
ECMAScript 6 continues the work of ECMAScript 5 by making arrays more useful. There are two more ways to create arrays: the Array.of() and Array.from() methods. The Array.from() method can also convert iterables and array-like objects into arrays. Both methods are inherited by derived array classes and do not use the Symbol.species property to determine what type of value should be returned (other inherited methods do use Symbol.species when returning an array).

There are also several new methods on arrays. The fill() and copyWithin() methods allow you to alter array elements in-place. The find() and findIndex() methods are useful for finding the first element in an array that matches some criteria. The former returns the first element that fits the criteria, and the latter returns the element’s index.

Typed arrays are not technically arrays, as they do not inherit from Array, but they do look and behave a lot like arrays. Typed arrays contain one of eight different numeric data types and are built upon ArrayBuffer objects that represent the underlying bits of a number or series of numbers. Typed arrays are a more efficient way of doing bitwise arithmetic because the values are not converted back and forth between formats, as is the case with the JavaScript number type.