
Symbols are a new type of primitive value in JavaScript and are used to create properties that can’t be accessed without referencing the symbol.

While not truly private, these properties are harder to accidentally change or overwrite and are therefore suitable for functionality that needs a level of protection from developers.

You can provide descriptions for symbols that allow for easier identification of symbol values. There is a global symbol registry that allows you to use shared symbols in different parts of code by using the same description. In this way, the same symbol can be used for the same reason in multiple places.

Methods like Object.keys() or Object.getOwnPropertyNames() don’t return symbols, so a new method called Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() was added in ECMAScript 6 to allow retrieval of symbol properties. You can still make changes to symbol properties by calling the Object.defineProperty() and Object.defineProperties() methods.

Well-known symbols define previously internal-only functionality for standard objects and use globally-available symbol constants, such as the Symbol.hasInstance property. These symbols use the prefix Symbol. in the specification and allow developers to modify standard object behavior in a variety of ways.