Asynchronous Task Running

A lot of the excitement around generators is directly related to asynchronous programming. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is a double-edged sword: simple tasks are easy to do asynchronously, while complex tasks become an errand in code organization. Since generators allow you to effectively pause code in the middle of execution, they open up a lot of possibilities related to asynchronous processing.

The traditional way to perform asynchronous operations is to call a function that has a callback. For example, consider reading a file from the disk in Node.js:

  1. let fs = require("fs");
  2. fs.readFile("config.json", function(err, contents) {
  3. if (err) {
  4. throw err;
  5. }
  6. doSomethingWith(contents);
  7. console.log("Done");
  8. });

The fs.readFile() method is called with the filename to read and a callback function. When the operation is finished, the callback function is called. The callback checks to see if there’s an error, and if not, processes the returned contents. This works well when you have a small, finite number of asynchronous tasks to complete, but gets complicated when you need to nest callbacks or otherwise sequence a series of asynchronous tasks. This is where generators and yield are helpful.

A Simple Task Runner

Because yield stops execution and waits for the next() method to be called before starting again, you can implement asynchronous calls without managing callbacks. To start, you need a function that can call a generator and start the iterator, such as this:

  1. function run(taskDef) {
  2. // create the iterator, make available elsewhere
  3. let task = taskDef();
  4. // start the task
  5. let result =;
  6. // recursive function to keep calling next()
  7. function step() {
  8. // if there's more to do
  9. if (!result.done) {
  10. result =;
  11. step();
  12. }
  13. }
  14. // start the process
  15. step();
  16. }

The run() function accepts a task definition (a generator function) as an argument. It calls the generator to create an iterator and stores the iterator in task. The task variable is outside the function so it can be accessed by other functions; I will explain why later in this section. The first call to next() begins the iterator and the result is stored for later use. The step() function checks to see if result.done is false and, if so, calls next() before recursively calling itself. Each call to next() stores the return value in result, which is always overwritten to contain the latest information. The initial call to step() starts the process of looking at the result.done variable to see whether there’s more to do.

With this implementation of run(), you can run a generator containing multiple yield statements, such as:

  1. run(function*() {
  2. console.log(1);
  3. yield;
  4. console.log(2);
  5. yield;
  6. console.log(3);
  7. });

This example just outputs three numbers to the console, which simply shows that all calls to next() are being made. However, just yielding a couple of times isn’t very useful. The next step is to pass values into and out of the iterator.

Task Running With Data

The easiest way to pass data through the task runner is to pass the value specified by yield into the next call to the next() method. To do so, you need only pass result.value, as in this code:

  1. function run(taskDef) {
  2. // create the iterator, make available elsewhere
  3. let task = taskDef();
  4. // start the task
  5. let result =;
  6. // recursive function to keep calling next()
  7. function step() {
  8. // if there's more to do
  9. if (!result.done) {
  10. result =;
  11. step();
  12. }
  13. }
  14. // start the process
  15. step();
  16. }

Now that result.value is passed to next() as an argument, it’s possible to pass data between yield calls, like this:

  1. run(function*() {
  2. let value = yield 1;
  3. console.log(value); // 1
  4. value = yield value + 3;
  5. console.log(value); // 4
  6. });

This example outputs two values to the console: 1 and 4. The value 1 comes from yield 1, as the 1 is passed right back into the value variable. The 4 is calculated by adding 3 to value and passing that result back to value. Now that data is flowing between calls to yield, you just need one small change to allow asynchronous calls.

Asynchronous Task Runner

The previous example passed static data back and forth between yield calls, but waiting for an asynchronous process is slightly different. The task runner needs to know about callbacks and how to use them. And since yield expressions pass their values into the task runner, that means any function call must return a value that somehow indicates the call is an asynchronous operation that the task runner should wait for.

Here’s one way you might signal that a value is an asynchronous operation:

  1. function fetchData() {
  2. return function(callback) {
  3. callback(null, "Hi!");
  4. };
  5. }

For the purposes of this example, any function meant to be called by the task runner will return a function that executes a callback. The fetchData() function returns a function that accepts a callback function as an argument. When the returned function is called, it executes the callback function with a single piece of data (the "Hi!" string). The callback argument needs to come from the task runner to ensure executing the callback correctly interacts with the underlying iterator. While the fetchData() function is synchronous, you can easily extend it to be asynchronous by calling the callback with a slight delay, such as:

  1. function fetchData() {
  2. return function(callback) {
  3. setTimeout(function() {
  4. callback(null, "Hi!");
  5. }, 50);
  6. };
  7. }

This version of fetchData() introduces a 50ms delay before calling the callback, demonstrating that this pattern works equally well for synchronous and asynchronous code. You just have to make sure each function that wants to be called using yield follows the same pattern.

With a good understanding of how a function can signal that it’s an asynchronous process, you can modify the task runner to take that fact into account. Anytime result.value is a function, the task runner will execute it instead of just passing that value to the next() method. Here’s the updated code:

  1. function run(taskDef) {
  2. // create the iterator, make available elsewhere
  3. let task = taskDef();
  4. // start the task
  5. let result =;
  6. // recursive function to keep calling next()
  7. function step() {
  8. // if there's more to do
  9. if (!result.done) {
  10. if (typeof result.value === "function") {
  11. result.value(function(err, data) {
  12. if (err) {
  13. result = task.throw(err);
  14. return;
  15. }
  16. result =;
  17. step();
  18. });
  19. } else {
  20. result =;
  21. step();
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }
  25. // start the process
  26. step();
  27. }

When result.value is a function (checked with the === operator), it is called with a callback function. That callback function follows the Node.js convention of passing any possible error as the first argument (err) and the result as the second argument. If err is present, then that means an error occurred and task.throw() is called with the error object instead of so an error is thrown at the correct location. If there is no error, then data is passed into and the result is stored. Then, step() is called to continue the process. When result.value is not a function, it is directly passed to the next() method.

This new version of the task runner is ready for all asynchronous tasks. To read data from a file in Node.js, you need to create a wrapper around fs.readFile() that returns a function similar to the fetchData() function from the beginning of this section. For example:

  1. let fs = require("fs");
  2. function readFile(filename) {
  3. return function(callback) {
  4. fs.readFile(filename, callback);
  5. };
  6. }

The readFile() method accepts a single argument, the filename, and returns a function that calls a callback. The callback is passed directly to the fs.readFile() method, which will execute the callback upon completion. You can then run this task using yield as follows:

  1. run(function*() {
  2. let contents = yield readFile("config.json");
  3. doSomethingWith(contents);
  4. console.log("Done");
  5. });

This example is performing the asynchronous readFile() operation without making any callbacks visible in the main code. Aside from yield, the code looks the same as synchronous code. As long as the functions performing asynchronous operations all conform to the same interface, you can write logic that reads like synchronous code.

Of course, there are downsides to the pattern used in these examples—namely that you can’t always be sure a function that returns a function is asynchronous. For now, though, it’s only important that you understand the theory behind the task running. Using promises offers more powerful ways of scheduling asynchronous tasks, and Chapter 11 covers this topic further.