
ECMAScript 6 adds modules to the language as a way to package up and encapsulate functionality. Modules behave differently than scripts, as they don’t modify the global scope with their top-level variables, functions, and classes, and this is undefined. To achieve that behavior, modules are loaded using a different mode.

You must export any functionality you’d like to make available to consumers of a module. Variables, functions, and classes can all be exported, and there is also one default export allowed per module. After exporting, another module can import all or some of the exported names. These names act as if defined by let and operate as block bindings that can’t be redeclared in the same module.

Modules need not export anything if they are manipulating something in the global scope. You can actually import from such a module without introducing any bindings into the module scope.

Because modules must run in a different mode, browsers introduced <script type="module"> to signal that the source file or inline code should be executed as a module. Module files loaded with <script type="module"> are loaded as if the defer attribute is applied to them. Modules are also executed in the order in which they appear in the containing document once the document is fully parsed.