
ECMAScript 6 formally introduces sets and maps into JavaScript. Prior to this, developers frequently used objects to mimic both sets and maps, often running into problems due to the limitations associated with object properties.

Sets are ordered lists of unique values. Values are not coerced to determine equivalence. Sets automatically remove duplicate values, so you can use a set to filter an array for duplicates and return the result. Sets aren’t subclasses of arrays, so you cannot randomly access a set’s values. Instead, you can use the has() method to determine if a value is contained in the set and the size property to inspect the number of values in the set. The Set type also has a forEach() method to process each set value.

Weak sets are special sets that can contain only objects. The objects are stored with weak references, meaning that an item in a weak set will not block garbage collection if that item is the only remaining reference to an object. Weak set contents can’t be inspected due to the complexities of memory management, so it’s best to use weak sets only for tracking objects that need to be grouped together.

Maps are ordered key-value pairs where the key can be any data type. Similar to sets, keys are not coerced to determine equivalence, which means you can have a numeric key 5 and a string "5" as two separate keys. A value of any data type can be associated with a key using the set() method, and that value can later be retrieved by using the get() method. Maps also have a size property and a forEach() method to allow for easier item access.

Weak maps are a special type of map that can only have object keys. As with weak sets, an object key reference is weak and doesn’t prevent garbage collection when it’s the only remaining reference to an object. When a key is garbage collected, the value associated with the key is also removed from the weak map. This memory management aspect makes weak maps uniquely suited for correlating additional information with objects whose lifecycles are managed outside of the code accessing them.