Group Nodes are a collection of nodes that can be combined into a single node while selectively exposing inputs of the embedded nodes. Group nodes can simplify a node tree by allowing instancing and hiding parts of the tree.


从所选节点建立节点编组,参见 制作节点组 以获取更多信息。


从一个组移除所选节点,参见 拆散 以获取更多信息。

Group Input

Adds a group input node, this serves as a convenient way to re-add the input node in case it is accidentally deleted. Note, groups can only have one input/output, if more than one is added they are essentially duplicates of each other.

Group Output

Adds a group output node, this serves as a convenient way to re-add the out node incase it is accidentally deleted. Note, groups can only have one input/output, if more than one is added they are essentially duplicates of each other.


本节列出来自当前blend文件的,或来自另一blend文件 关联或追加的,所有节点组。