toUInt() function

The toUInt() function converts all values in the _value column to UIntegers.

*Function type: Type conversion*

  1. toUInt()

*Supported data types: Boolean | Duration | Float | Integer | Numeric String | Time*

For duration and time values, toUint() returns the following:

Input typeReturned value
DurationThe number of nanoseconds in the specified duration
TimeA nanosecond epoch timestamp

To convert values in a column other than _value, define a custom function patterned after the function definition, but replace _value with your desired column.


  1. from(bucket: "telegraf")
  2. |> filter(fn:(r) =>
  3. r._measurement == "mem" and
  4. r._field == "used"
  5. )
  6. |> toUInt()

Function definition

  1. toUInt = (tables=<-) =>
  2. tables
  3. |> map(fn:(r) => ({ r with _value: uint(v:r._value) }))

*Used functions: map(), uint()*