Flux Telegram package

The Telegram package is a user-contributed package maintained by the package author and can be updated or removed at any time.

The Flux Telegram package provides functions for sending messages to Telegram using the Telegram Bot API. Import the contrib/sranka/telegram package:

  1. import "contrib/sranka/telegram"

Set up a Telegram bot

The Telegram Bot API requires a bot token and a channel ID. To set up a Telegram bot and obtain the required bot token and channel ID:

  1. Create a new Telegram account or use an existing account.
  2. Create a Telegram bot.
    Telegram provides a bot token for the newly created bot.
  3. Use the Telegram application to create a new channel.
  4. Add the new bot to the channel as an Administrator. Ensure the bot has permissions necessary to post messages.
  5. Send a message to bot in the channel.
  6. Send a request to https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/getUpdates.

    1. curl https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/getUpdates

    Find your channel ID in the id field of the response.

Package author and maintainer

Github: @sranka
InfluxDB Slack: @sranka