View InfluxDB stacks

Use the influx stacks command to view installed InfluxDB stacks and their associated resources.

Provide the following:

  • Organization name or ID
  1. # Syntax
  2. influx stacks -o <org-name>
  3. # Example
  4. influx stacks -o example-org

Filter stacks

To output information about specific stacks, use the --stack-name or --stack-id flags to filter output by stack names or stack IDs.

Filter by stack name
  1. # Syntax
  2. influx stacks \
  3. -o <org-name> \
  4. --stack-name=<stack-name>
  5. # Example
  6. influx stacks \
  7. -o example-org \
  8. --stack-name=stack1 \
  9. --stack-name=stack2

Filter by stack ID

  1. # Syntax
  2. influx stacks \
  3. -o <org-name> \
  4. --stack-id=<stack-id>
  5. # Example
  6. influx stacks \
  7. -o example-org \
  8. --stack-id=12ab34cd56ef \
  9. --stack-id=78gh910i11jk

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