Flux user-contributed functions

User-contributed packages and functions are contributed and maintained by members of the InfluxDB and Flux communities.

Discord package

The Flux Discord package provides functions for sending messages to Discord. Import the contrib/chobbs/discord package.

Events package

The Flux Events package provides tools for analyzing event-based data. Import the contrib/tomhollingworth/events package.

InfluxDB package

The Flux InfluxDB package provides additional functions for querying data from InfluxDB. Import the contrib/jsternberg/influxdb package.

Microsoft Teams package

The Flux Microsoft Teams package provides functions for sending messages to a Microsoft Teams channel using an incoming webhook. Import the contrib/sranka/teams package.

Opsgenie package

The Flux Opsgenie package provides functions that send alerts to Atlassian Opsgenie using the Opsgenie v2 API. Import the contrib/sranka/opsgenie package.

Rows package

The Flux Rows package provides additional functions for remapping values in rows. Import the contrib/jsternberg/rows package.

Sensu package

The Flux Sensu package provides functions for sending events to Sensu Go. Import the contrib/sranka/sensu package.

Telegram package

The Flux Telegram package provides functions for sending messages to Telegram using the Telegram Bot API. Import the contrib/sranka/telegram package.

functions package