geo.s2CellIDToken() function

The geo.s2CellIDToken() function is experimental and subject to change at any time. By using this function, you accept the risks of experimental functions.

The geo.s2CellIDToken() function returns an S2 cell ID token.

*Function type: Transformation*

  1. import "experimental/geo"
  2. geo.s2CellIDToken(
  3. point: {lat: 37.7858229, lon: -122.4058124},
  4. level: 10
  5. )



Longitude and latitude in decimal degrees (WGS 84) to use when generating the S2 cell ID token. Record must contain lat and lon properties.

*Data type: Record*


S2 cell ID token to update. Useful for changing the S2 cell level of an existing S2 cell ID token.

*Data type: String*

point and token are mutually exclusive.


S2 cell level to use when generating the S2 cell ID token.

*Data type: Integer*


Use latitude and longitude values to generate S2 cell ID tokens
  1. import "experimental/geo"
  2. from(bucket: "example-bucket")
  3. |> range(start: -1h)
  4. |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")
  5. |> map(fn: (r) => ({
  6. r with
  7. s2_cell_id: geo.s2CellIDToken(
  8. point: {lat:, lon: r.lon},
  9. level: 10
  10. )})
  11. )
Update S2 cell ID token level
  1. import "experimental/geo"
  2. from(bucket: "example-bucket")
  3. |> range(start: -1h)
  4. |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")
  5. |> map(fn: (r) => ({
  6. r with
  7. s2_cell_id: geo.s2CellIDToken(
  8. token: r.s2_cell_id,
  9. level: 10
  10. )})
  11. )

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functions geo