influxd inspect dump-tsi

The influxd inspect dump-tsi command outputs low-level information about Time Series Index (tsi1) files.


  1. influxd inspect dump-tsi [flags]


FlagDescriptionInput Type
-h—helpHelp for the dump-tsi command.
—index-pathPath to data engine index directory (defaults to ~/.influxdbv2/engine/index).string
—measurement-filterRegular expression measurement filter.string
—measurementsShow raw measurement data.
—seriesShow raw series data.
—series-pathPath to series file (defaults to ~/.influxdbv2/engine/_series).string
—tag-key-filterRegular expression tag key filter.string
—tag-keysShow raw tag key data.
—tag-value-filterRegular expression tag value filter.string
—tag-value-seriesShow raw series data for each value.
—tag-valuesShow raw tag value data.

tsi inspect