influxd generate

The influxd generate command generates time series data direct to disk using a schema defined in a TOML file.

Important notes

  • influxd generate cannot run while the influxd server is running. The generate command modifies index and Time-Structured Merge Tree (TSM) data.
  • Use influxd generate for development and testing purposes only. Do not run it on a production server.


  1. influxd generate <schema.toml> [flags]
  2. influxd generate [subcommand]


help-schemaPrint a documented example TOML schema to stdout.
simpleGenerate simple data sets using defaults and CLI flags.


FlagDescriptionInput Type
—printPrint data spec and exit
—orgOrganiztion namestring
—bucketBucket Namestring
—start-timeStart time (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z) (default is 00:00:00 of one week ago)string
—end-timeEnd time (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z) (default is 00:00:00 of current day)string
—cleanClean time series data files (none, tsm or all) (default none)string
—cpuprofileCollect a CPU profilestring
—memprofileCollect a memory profilestring
-h—helpHelp for the generate command
