

LocalStack Pro contains basic support for Timestream time series databases, including these operations:

  • Creating databases
  • Creating tables
  • Writing records to tables
  • Querying timeseries data from tables

Simple Usage Example

The following example illustrates the basic operations, using the awslocal command line.

First, we create a test database and table:

  1. $ awslocal timestream-write create-database --database-name testDB
  2. $ awslocal timestream-write create-table --database-name testDB --table-name testTable

We can then add a few records with a timestamp, measure name, and value to the table:

  1. $ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"60","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986409"}]'
  2. $ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"80","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986412"}]'
  3. $ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"70","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986414"}]'

Finally, we can run a query to retrieve the timeseries data (or aggregate values) from the table:

  1. $ awslocal timestream-query query --query-string "SELECT CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, measure_value::double) as cpu FROM testDB.timeStreamTable WHERE measure_name='cpu'"
  2. {
  3. "Rows": [{
  4. "Data": [{
  5. "TimeSeriesValue": [{
  6. "Time": "2021-11-15T14:26:49",
  7. "Value": {
  8. "ScalarValue": 60
  9. }
  10. },
  11. ...

Date / Time Functions

LocalStack supports the following functions for querying Timestream data:

FunctionDescriptionData type
ago (interval)Returns the value corresponding to current_timestamp interval.timestamp
bin (timestamp, interval)Returns a rounded value down to a multiple of given bin interval.timestamp
parse_duration (string)Returns an interval equivalent parsed out of the input string.interval
from_iso8601_date (string)Parses the ISO 8601 date string into internal Timestamp format for UTC 00:00:00 of the specified date.timestamp
from_iso8601_timestamp (string)Parses the ISO 8601 timestamp into internal timestamp format.timestamp

Last modified June 29, 2022: fix sql query for timestream (ef494c91)