LocalStack Limitations

Known limitations of LocalStack and its services

This page describes known limitations of LocalStack and its services, either due to missing implementations or due to third-party integrations.

Implementation Limitations

Limitations that exist due to missing features in LocalStack.


At the moment only a locally launched LocalStack instance can properly run the DynamoDB service.

Lambda Functions

Only the local executor with locally launched LocalStack can be used together with JVM Lambda Functions.

Integration Limitations

Limitations that may occur because of third party integrations behavior.


Stacks with validated certificates

By default, stacks with validated certificates may not be deployed using the local lambda executor. This originates from the way how CDK ensures the certificate is ready - it creates a single-file lambda function with a single dependency on aws-sdk which is usually preinstalled and available globally in lambda runtime. When this lambda is executed locally from the /tmp folder, the package can not be discovered by Node due to the way how Node package resolution works.

DNS Rebind Protection

For certain LocalStack features it is necessary that the DNS resolves to the local network. For example, LocalStack is using virtual-host based addressing for S3, ElasticSearch, and OpenSearch by default. S3 buckets can be reached via <bucket-name>.s3.<region>.localhost.localstack.cloud and OpenSearch clusters which are created by LocalStack can be reached via <domain-name>.<region>.opensearch.localhost.localstack.cloud. This is handled correctly if you configured your system’s DNS for the transparent execution mode of LocalStack Pro.

However, if you rely on your local network’s DNS, your router / DNS server might block those requests due to the DNS Rebind Protection. This feature is enabled by default in pfSense, OPNSense, OpenWRT, AVM FritzBox, and potentially also other devices. Some of the vendors might allow upstream responses in the range (like OpenWRT).

You can check if your DNS setup works correctly by resolving a subdomain of localhost.localstack.cloud:

  1. $ dig test.localhost.localstack.cloud
  2. ; <<>> DiG 9.16.8-Ubuntu <<>> test.localhost.localstack.cloud
  3. ;; global options: +cmd
  4. ;; Got answer:
  5. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 45150
  6. ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
  8. ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 65494
  10. ;test.localhost.localstack.cloud. IN A
  12. test.localhost.localstack.cloud. 10786 IN CNAME localhost.localstack.cloud.
  13. localhost.localstack.cloud. 389 IN A
  14. ;; Query time: 16 msec
  15. ;; SERVER:
  16. ;; WHEN: Fr Jän 14 11:23:12 CET 2022
  17. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 90

If the the DNS resolves the subdomain to your localhost (, your setup is working. If not, please check the configuration of your router / DNS if the Rebind Protection is active or enable the LocalStack DNS on your system.

Last modified February 1, 2022: update Elasticsearch and OpenSearch documentation (#108) (e5d6c9f4)