LocalStack Pro and Enterprise

Use your API key to start LocalStack Pro or Enterprise.

This guide shows how to use your shiny new LocalStack licenses, and go over some best-practices regarding usage, activation, and safety of your LocalStack API key.


First, you need an API key for LocalStack Pro or Enterprise. You can get your key by signing up on our website.
Don’t worry, you can sign-up without any payment details and try LocalStack Pro within your free trial for 14 days.

Getting your API key

You can find your API key in the LocalStack Web Interface in the Account → Subscriptions section.

API Key Security

  • Do not share your API key with anyone. Especially make sure that you do not commit it to any source code management systems (like Git repositories). If you push an API key to a repository, it has potentially been exposed to the public and it might remain in the history (even if you try to rewrite the history).

  • If you accidentally publish your API key, please contact us to get your API key rotated!

  • If you want to use your API key in your CI environment, please check out our CI documentation to see the proper way to handle secrets in your CI environment.

Using your API key

LocalStack Pro or Enterprise expects your API key to be present in the environment variable LOCALSTACK_API_KEY. Before starting LocalStack, please define the environment variable in your terminal like this:

  1. $ export LOCALSTACK_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

Starting LocalStack Pro or Enterprise using the CLI

When starting LocalStack using the LocalStack CLI, you dot not have to perform any further steps (after exporting the environment variable).

  1. $ localstack start

LocalStack will detect the API key and properly pass it to the LocalStack container.

Starting LocalStack Pro or Enterprise using Docker

When starting LocalStack using a docker run command, you have to specify the API key using the -e flag for environment variables like this:

  1. $ docker run \
  2. --rm -it \
  3. -p 4566:4566 \
  4. -p 4510-4559:4510-4559 \
  6. localstack/localstack

For more information about starting LocalStack, take a look at our general Getting Started guide.

Starting LocalStack Pro or Enterprise using Docker-Compose

When starting LocalStack using docker-compose, you have to make sure your API key is passed properly to the LocalStack container. For this, you have to make sure to include the LOCALSTACK_API_KEY environment variable in your docker-compose.yml like this:

  1. environment:

This statement sets the API key we defined before (by using the export command) into your LocalStack container, such that the key activation can take place.

If you want to make sure that LocalStack is only started if LocalStack Pro or Enterprise can be activated, or if you want to suppress licensing-related error messages, take a look at our configuration guide regarding LocalStack Pro.

Checking license activation

The easiest way to check if LocalStack Pro or Enterprise is activated is to check the health endpoint of LocalStack for a list of the running services:

  1. $ curl localhost:4566/health | jq

If a Pro-only service – like XRay – is running, LocalStack Pro or Enterprise has started successfully.

Otherwise, please check our collected most common activation issues.

Common activation issues

Invalid API key

If your API key is invalid, you will see an error message like this in the logs of LocalStack:

  1. Activation key "abc..."(10) is invalid or expired! Reason: ...

If this error occurs, something is wrong with your API key or license. Please make sure your API key is set correctly (check for typos!) and your license is valid. If the API key still does not work, please contact us.

No connection to the LocalStack API

If your log output contains lines like:

  1. WARNING:localstack_ext.bootstrap.licensing: Error activating API key "abc..."(10):
  2. ...
  3. ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

LocalStack cannot contact our API to perform the license activation. Please confirm with your network administrator that no policies block the connection to our backend.

Cannot resolve api.localstack.cloud

Log output like the following indicates that your machine cannot resolve the domain of the LocalStack API.

  1. WARNING:localstack_ext.bootstrap.licensing: Error activating API key "abc..."(10):
  2. ...
  3. socket.gaierror: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

Please confirm this by using a tool like dig:

  1. $ dig api.localstack.cloud

If the result has some other status than status: NOERROR, your machine cannot resolve this domain.

Some corporate DNS servers might filter requests to certain domains. Please contact your network administrator in order to whitelist localstack.cloud domains.

Your issue isn’t listed here?

If you have any problems concerning your API key activation not mentioned here, or if these steps do not help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last modified July 12, 2022: remove all references to SERVICES from docs, except in configuration.py (#199) (c25836fc)