Simple Email Service (SES)

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)


LocalStack keeps track of all sent emails for retrospection.

The sent messages can be retrieved via a service API endpoint (GET /_localstack/ses) or from the filesystem.

Messages are also saved to the state directory (see filesystem layout). The files are saved as JSON in the ses/ subdirectory and organised by message ID.


LocalStack Pro ships with extended support including a simple user interface to inspect email accounts and sent messages, as well as support for sending SES messages through an actual SMTP email server.

Please refer to the Configuration guide for instructions on how to configure the connection parameters of your SMTP server (SMTP_HOST/SMTP_USER/SMTP_PASS).

Once the SMTP server has been configured, the SES user interface in the Web app can be used to create a new email account (e.g., Emails can be sent via the command line (or SES client SDK):

  1. $ awslocal ses send-email \
  2. --from \
  3. --message 'Body={Text={Data="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ..."}},Subject={Data=Test Email}' \
  4. --destination ''

Note: If you receive a “Email address not verified message”, simply call awslocal ses verify-email-identity --email-address

The Web user interface can be used to view the sent email messages, as illustrated in the screenshot below:

SES Web Interface

Last modified June 29, 2022: add potentially necessary email verification for ses sample (c940dde4)