Multi-Account Setups

Using LocalStack in multi-tenant setups


Multi-account is a preview feature and is not compatible with cloud pods and persistence. To enable multi-accounts, refer to configuration.

LocalStack Community only supports a single AWS Account ID, 000000000000 by default. By contrast, LocalStack Pro ships with multi-account support which adds namespacing based on AWS Account ID

Namespaced AWS resources can be accessed by using the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID variable when making requests. No additional server-side configuration is required.


Multi-account is not supported for the us-east-1 region. See limitation note.

  1. $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1
  2. $ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=000000000001 awslocal ec2 create-key-pair --key-name green-hospital
  3. $ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=000000000002 awslocal ec2 create-key-pair --key-name red-medicine
  4. $ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=000000000001 awslocal ec2 describe-key-pairs
  5. {
  6. "KeyPairs": [
  7. {
  8. "KeyFingerprint": "6b:e3:a3:41:4b:60:f3:6d:7b:84:3e:17:e3:ad:d0:15",
  9. "KeyName": "green-hospital"
  10. }
  11. ]
  12. }
  13. $ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=000000000002 awslocal ec2 describe-key-pairs
  14. {
  15. "KeyPairs": [
  16. {
  17. "KeyFingerprint": "16:4c:64:13:36:41:7c:75:d0:51:f0:db:ed:d7:c8:95",
  18. "KeyName": "red-medicine"
  19. }
  20. ]
  21. }

In absence of an explicit value for Account ID, LocalStack reverts to the default value of 000000000000. In the current example, not setting an explicit Account ID will return no resources.

  1. $ awslocal ec2 describe-key-pairs
  2. {
  3. "KeyPairs": []
  4. }


LocalStack uses the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID client-side variable for Account ID. In future LocalStack may support proper access key IDs issued by the local IAM service, which will then internally be translated to corresponding account IDs.


Multi-accounts is a preview feature and is not compatible with cloud pods and persistence.

In order to use multi-accounts, the region must be configured to something other than us-east-1. Note that us-east-1 is the default region and must be explicitly overridden. For the AWS CLI, this can be done using the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or the --region argument. More information can be found on AWS CLI documentation.

Last modified June 23, 2022: Update Multi-accounts docs (#167) (928fa1f6)