
Instructions for installing the Istio control plane on Kubernetes and adding virtual machines into the mesh.

Istio 1.4 has been tested with these Kubernetes releases: 1.13, 1.14, 1.15.

Visit our getting started guide tolearn how to evaluate and try Istio’s basic features quickly.

Istio offers multiple installation flowsdepending on your platform and whether or not you intend to use Istio in production.At a high level, the basic flow is the same regardless of platform:

Downloading the release

Download the Istio release which includes installation files, samples and a command line utility.

  • Go to the Istio release page todownload the installation file corresponding to your OS. Alternatively, on a macOS orLinux system, you can run the following command to download andextract the latest release automatically:
  1. $ curl -L sh -
  • Move to the Istio package directory. For example, if the package isistio-1.4.0:
  1. $ cd istio-1.4.0

The installation directory contains:

  • Installation YAML files for Kubernetes in install/kubernetes
  • Sample applications in samples/
  • The istioctl client binary in the bin/ directory. istioctl isused when manually injecting Envoy as a sidecar proxy.
    • Add the istioctl client to your path, on a macOS orLinux system:
  1. $ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Installing Istio

Istio is installed in its own istio-system namespace and can manageservices from all other namespaces. Choose one of the following installation options, depending on your intended use:

  • Demo installation:This option is ideal if you’re new to Istio and just want to try it out.It allows you to experiment with many Istio features with modest resource requirements.

  • Custom installation with Helm:This option is ideal to install Istio for production use or for performance evaluation.

  • Cloud provider installation instructions:This option is ideal if your cloud provider has native support for Istio-enabled clusterswith a configuration profilecorresponding to your intended use. Refer to your cloud provider’s documentation for details.

After choosing an option and installing Istio on your cluster, you can deployyour own applications or experiment with some of our tasks and examples.

When you’re ready to consider more advanced Istio use cases, check out the following resources:

Getting Started

Download, install, and try out Istio.

Deployment Models

Describes the system models that impact your overall Istio depolyment.


在安装 Istio 之前如何准备各种 Kubernetes 平台。




选择与您先前用于安装 Istio 的方法相对应的升级指南。

