
控制 Istio 服务网格的出口流量。

Accessing External Services

Describes how to configure Istio to route traffic from services in the mesh to external services.

Egress TLS Origination

Describes how to configure Istio to perform TLS origination for traffic to external services.

Egress Gateways

Describes how to configure Istio to direct traffic to external services through a dedicated gateway.

Egress Gateways with TLS Origination

Describes how to configure an Egress Gateway to perform TLS origination to external services.

Egress using Wildcard Hosts

Describes how to enable egress traffic for a set of hosts in a common domain, instead of configuring each and every host separately.

Monitoring and Policies for TLS Egress

Describes how to configure SNI monitoring and apply policies on TLS egress traffic.

Kubernetes Services for Egress Traffic

Shows how to configure Istio Kubernetes External Services.

使用外部 HTTPS 代理

描述如何配置 Istio 以允许应用程序使用外部 HTTPS 代理。