Trace Span

The tracespan template represents an individual span within a distributed trace.

Example config:

  1. apiVersion: ""
  2. kind: instance
  3. metadata:
  4. name: default
  5. namespace: istio-system
  6. spec:
  7. compiledTemplate: tracespan
  8. params:
  9. traceId: request.headers["x-b3-traceid"]
  10. spanId: request.headers["x-b3-spanid"] | ""
  11. parentSpanId: request.headers["x-b3-parentspanid"] | ""
  12. spanName: request.path | "/"
  13. startTime: request.time
  14. endTime: response.time
  15. clientSpan: (context.reporter.kind | "inbound") == "outbound"
  16. rewriteClientSpanId: "false"
  17. spanTags:
  18. http.method: request.method | ""
  19. http.status_code: response.code | 200
  20. http.url: request.path | ""
  21. request.size: request.size | 0
  22. response.size: response.size | 0
  23. source.principal: source.principal | ""
  24. source.version: source.labels["version"] | ""

See also: Distributed Tracingfor information on tracing within Istio.


TraceSpan represents an individual span within a distributed trace.

When writing the configuration, the value for the fields associated with this template can either be aliteral or an expression. Please note that if the datatype of a field is not istio.policy.v1beta1.Value,then the expression’s inferred type must match the datatype of the field.

traceIdstringTrace ID is the unique identifier for a trace. All spans from the sametrace share the same Trace ID.Required.No
spanIdstringSpan ID is the unique identifier for a span within a trace. It is assignedwhen the span is created.Optional.No
parentSpanIdstringParent Span ID is the unique identifier for a parent span of this spaninstance. If this is a root span, then this field MUST be empty.Optional.No
spanNamestringSpan name is a description of the span’s operation.For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file nameand a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to usethe same display name within an application and at the same call point.This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.Required.No
startTimeTimeStampThe start time of the span.Required.No
endTimeTimeStampThe end time of the span.Required.No
spanTagsmap<string, Value>Span tags are a set of < key, value > pairs that provide metadata for theentire span. The values can be specified in the form of expressions.Optional.No
httpStatusCodeint64HTTP status code used to set the span status. If unset or set to 0, thespan status will be assumed to be successful.No
clientSpanboolclient_span indicates the span kind. True for client spans and False ornot provided for server spans. Using bool instead of enum is a temporarywork around since mixer expression language does not yet support enumtype.OptionalNo
rewriteClientSpanIdboolrewrite_client_span_id is used to indicate whether to create a new clientspan id to accommodate Zipkin shared span model. Some tracing systems likeStackdriver separates a RPC into client span and server span. To solve thisincompatibility, deterministically rewriting both span id of client span andparent span id of server span to the same newly generated id.OptionalNo
sourceNamestringIdentifies the source (client side) of this span.Should usually be set to
sourceIpIPAddressClient IP address. Should usually be set to source.ip.Optional.No
destinationNamestringIdentifies the destination (server side) of this span.Should usually be set to
destinationIpIPAddressServer IP address. Should usually be set to destination.ip.Optional.No
requestSizeint64Request body size. Should usually be set to request.size.Optional.No
requestTotalSizeint64Total request size (headers and body).Should usually be set to request.total_size.Optional.No
responseSizeint64Response body size. Should usually be set to response.size.Optional.No
responseTotalSizeint64Response total size (headers and body).Should usually be set to response.total_size.Optional.No
apiProtocolstringOne of “http”, “https”, or “grpc” or any other value ofthe api.protocol attribute. Should usually be set to api.protocol.Optional.No