
该组件由 Istio 合作伙伴创建并维护,如有问题请直接与合作伙伴联系。

The analytics template represents a single request reported to Apigee’s analytics processing system.Complete Apigee documentation on the concepts and usage of this adapter is also available on theApigee Adapter for Istio site.For more information and product support, please contact Apigee support.

Example config:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: analytics
  3. metadata:
  4. name: apigee
  5. namespace: istio-system
  6. spec:
  7. api_key: request.api_key | request.headers["x-api-key"] | ""
  8. api_proxy: api.service | destination.service | ""
  9. response_status_code: response.code | 0
  10. client_ip: source.ip | ip("")
  11. request_verb: request.method | ""
  12. request_uri: request.path | ""
  13. request_path: request.path | ""
  14. useragent: request.useragent | ""
  15. client_received_start_timestamp: request.time
  16. client_received_end_timestamp: request.time
  17. target_sent_start_timestamp: request.time
  18. target_sent_end_timestamp: request.time
  19. target_received_start_timestamp: response.time
  20. target_received_end_timestamp: response.time
  21. client_sent_start_timestamp: response.time
  22. client_sent_end_timestamp: response.time
  23. api_claims: # from jwt
  24. json_claims: request.auth.raw_claims | ""


This Template provides Istio telemetry data to the Apigee Analytics engine.For additional information on this adapter or support please contact

apiProxystringThe name of the proxy (usually the Istio API or service name).
responseStatusCodeint64HTTP response code
clientIpistio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddressClient IP address
requestVerbstringHTTP request verb
requestUristringHTTP request URI
requestPathstringHTTP request path
useragentstringHTTP user agent header
clientReceivedStartTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy started receiving the request.
clientReceivedEndTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy finished receiving the request.
clientSentStartTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy started sending the request to the target.
clientSentEndTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy finished sending the request to the target.
targetSentStartTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy started request to target.
targetSentEndTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy finished sending request to target.
targetReceivedStartTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy started receiving response from target.
targetReceivedEndTimestampistio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStampTimestamp of when the api_proxy finished receiving response from target.
apiClaimsmap<string, string>The JWT claims that were used for authenticating the request (if any)Use subkey “json_claims” for passing all claims in as a single JSON field.
apiKeystringThe API KEY that was used for authenticating the request (if any)