Integrate Timescale Cloud services with third-party monitoring tools

You can export your service telemetry to a third-party monitoring tool, such as Datadog or AWS CloudWatch. Exported metrics include CPU usage, RAM usage, and storage.

Export telemetry data

Export telemetry data by:

  1. Creating a data exporter
  2. Attaching the exporter to a database service

Create a data exporter


Your exporter must be in the same AWS region as your database service. If you have databases in multiple regions, you can create multiple exporters.


AWS CloudWatch

Creating a data exporter for Datadog

  1. In the Timescale Cloud console, navigate to Integrations.
  2. Click Create exporter.
  3. Under Choose a provider, choose Datadog.
  4. Choose an AWS region for your exporter to live within Timescale Cloud. The exporter is only available to database services in the same AWS region.
  5. Name your exporter. This name appears in the Cloud console, so choose a descriptive name.
  6. Add a Datadog API key. If you don’t have an API key yet, you can create one by following the instructions in the Datadog documentation.
  7. Under Site, choose your Datadog region. You can choose a region to meet any regulatory requirements or application needs you might have.
  8. Click Create exporter.

Screenshot of the menu for adding a Datadog exporter

Attach a data exporter to a service

Once you create a data exporter, you can attach it to a service. The exporter then exports that service’s telemetry data.

You can only have one exporter per service.


Your exporter must be in the same AWS region as your database service. If you have databases in multiple regions, you can create multiple exporters.

Attaching a data exporter to a service

  1. Navigate to Services. Click on the service you want to connect to your exporter.
  2. Navigate to Operations, then Integrations.
  3. Select and add an exporter.

Monitor service metrics

You can now monitor your service metrics from the metrics explorer in Datadog, or query them from the cloudWatch metrics page in AWS Console. For more information, see the Datadog or Cloudwatch documentation.

When you have set up your integration, you can check that it is working correctly by looking for the metrics that Timescale Cloud exports. The metric names are:


Additionally, Timescale Cloud exports tags that you can use to filter your results. You can also check that these tags are being correctly exported:

TagExample variableDescription
regionus-east-1Timescale Cloud region
rolereplica or primaryFor services with replicas
node-idFor multi-node services

Edit a data exporter

You can edit a data exporter after you create it. Some fields, such as the provider and AWS region, can’t be changed.

Editing a data exporter

  1. Navigate to Integrations.
  2. Beside the exporter you want to edit, click the menu button. Click Edit.
  3. Edit the exporter fields and save your changes.

Delete a data exporter

Delete any data exporters that you no longer need.

Deleting a data exporter

  1. Before deleting a data exporter, remove all connected services.
  2. For each connected service, navigate to the service Operations tab.
  3. Click Integrations.
  4. Click the trash can icon to remove the exporter from the service. This doesn’t delete the exporter itself.
  5. In the main menu, navigate to Integrations.
  6. Beside the exporter you want to delete, click the menu button. Click Delete.
  7. Confirm that you want to delete.