Install Promscale from binary

You can install Promscale from a pre-complied binary on any operating systems. The Promscale binary file is available at GitHub releases page.

Before you begin, you must have an already installed and working Prometheus or OpenTelemetry collector environment.

Install TimescaleDB and Promscale extension

To use Promscale, you need a TimescaleDB database, as well as the Promscale extension. The Promscale extension contains support functions to improve performance of Promscale.

Compiling and installing TimescaleDB

  1. Install TimescaleDB following the instructions in the TimescaleDB install page
  2. Compile and install the Promscale extension from source that is available on the Promscale extension page

Install the Promscale pre-compiled binary

Download the Promscale binary file and run the file.

Installing Promscale from binary

  1. At the command prompt, as a root user, download the appropriate file for your operating system (get the URL from the GitHub repository releases page):

    1. curl -L -o promscale<VERSION>/<PROMSCALE_DISTRIBUTION>
  2. Grant executable permissions to the promscale directory:

    1. chmod +x promscale
  3. Run Promscale by providing the connection details for your TimescaleDB service:

    1. ./promscale --db-host <DB_HOSTNAME> --db-port <DB_PORT> --db-name <DBNAME> --db-password <DBPASSWORD> --db-ssl-mode allow

    In this example, Promscale is deployed with SSL allowed but not required. If you need SSL mode enabled, configure your TimescaleDB instance with SSL certificates and do not use --db-ssl-mode flag. Promscale authenticates using SSL by default.