Promscale benefits

Get started in minutes: deploy a full observability stack for metrics and traces in your Kubernetes cluster using tobs. Or deploy the two components that make up Promscale in a container platform or VM using the provided artifacts. Integrates with Grafana and Jaeger out-of-the-box.

Easy to operate: simplify your operations with a single system to setup and operate for your metrics and traces that uses a simple architecture with just two components: Promscale Connector and TimescaleDB.

First-class Prometheus support: seamlessly integrates with Prometheus as a long-term storage for metrics with 100% PromQL compliance, multitenancy and OpenMetrics exemplars support.

Future-proof with OpenTelemetry: easily collect your OpenTelemetry traces with our native OTLP ingest endpoint which has full support for the standard including events and links.

Unprecedented insights: get true observability with the power and flexibility of full SQL together with TimescaleDB’s advanced analytics functions to query and correlate metrics, traces, and business data to get more value from your observability data.

Flexible data management: per-metric data retention and highly configurable continuous metric aggregates and rollups.

A rock-solid foundation: Built on top of the maturity of Postgres and TimescaleDB with millions of instances worldwide. A trusted system that offers high availability, replication, data integrity, backups, authentication, roles and permissions.

Massive scale: store and query terabytes of datapoints with horizontal scalability, columnar compression and continous aggregates.

Hundreds of integrations: access a large ecosystem of integrations available for Postgres and TimescaleDB: data visualization tools, AI platforms, IDEs, ORMs, management tools, performance tuning, etc.