Uninstall TimescaleDB

PostgreSQL is designed to be easily extensible. The extensions loaded into the database can function just like features that are built in. TimescaleDB extends PostgreSQL for time-series data—giving PostgreSQL the high-performance, scalability, and analytical capabilities required by modern data-intensive applications. If you installed TimescaleDB with Homebrew or MacPorts, you can uninstall it without having to uninstall PostgreSQL.

Uninstalling TimescaleDB using Homebrew

  1. At the psql prompt, remove the TimescaleDB extension:

    1. DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
  2. At the command prompt, remove timescaledb from shared_preload_libraries in the postgresql.conf configuration file:

    1. nano /opt/homebrew/var/[email protected]/postgresql.conf
    2. shared_preload_libraries = ''
  3. Save the changes to the postgresql.conf file.

  4. Restart PostgreSQL:

    1. brew services restart postgresql
  5. Check that the TimescaleDB extension is uninstalled by using the \dx command at the psql prompt. Output is similar to:

    1. tsdb-# \dx
    2. List of installed extensions
    3. Name | Version | Schema | Description
    1. -------------+---------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    3. (1 row)
  6. Uninstall TimescaleDB:

    1. brew uninstall timescaledb
  7. Remove all the dependencies and related files:

    1. brew remove timescaledb

Uninstalling TimescaleDB using MacPorts

  1. At the psql prompt, remove the TimescaleDB extension:

    1. DROP EXTENSION timescaledb;
  2. At the command prompt, remove timescaledb from shared_preload_libraries in the postgresql.conf configuration file:

    1. nano /opt/homebrew/var/[email protected]/postgresql.conf
    2. shared_preload_libraries = ''
  3. Save the changes to the postgresql.conf file.

  4. Restart PostgreSQL:

    1. port reload postgresql
  5. Check that the TimescaleDB extension is uninstalled by using the \dx command at the psql prompt. Output is similar to:

    1. tsdb-# \dx
    2. List of installed extensions
    3. Name | Version | Schema | Description
    1. -------------+---------+------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    3. (1 row)
  6. Uninstall TimescaleDB and the related dependencies:

    1. port uninstall timescaledb --follow-dependencies