VPC peering

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering is a method of connecting separate Cloud private networks to each other. It makes it possible for the virtual machines in the different VPC’s to talk to each other directly without going through the public internet. VPC peering is limited to VPCs that share the same Cloud provider.

VPC peering setup is a per project and per region setting. This means that all services created and running utilize the same VPC peering connection. If needed, you can have multiple projects that peer with different connections.


Services are only accessible via your VPC’s internal network, they are not accessible from the public internet. TLS certificates for VPC peered services are signed by the Timescale project CA and cannot be validated against a public CA (Let’s Encrypt). You can choose service-by-service whether you want to run on VPC peered network or on public internet.

Setting it up

To set up VPC peering for your Managed Service for TimescaleDB project, submit a request in the VPC section of the dashboard.

When creating a new service, you can choose whether the service is placed in a VPC or not: The list of cloud providers and regions contains options like “Belgium - Google Cloud: Belgium” and “Belgium - Google Cloud: Belgium - Project VPC.” Here selecting the former would create the service to non-VPC environment while the latter would place the service within the VPC. The same functionality is available with the “Migrate” feature, allowing moving a service to and from a VPC.

The IP Range should be chosen so that it doesn’t overlap with any networks you wish to peer. For example, if your own networks use the range, selecting for your Timescale project VPC makes it possible to peer the networks.

Peering connections can be requested with the VPC request, or added later. Note however that the VPC is not accessible until at least one connection has been created.

After the request has been submitted VPC peering is automatically set up by Managed Service for TimescaleDB, and the status is updated in the web console’s VPC view together with instructions for starting peering with our network. Note that you’ll need to accept a VPC peering connection request (AWS) or create a corresponding peering from your project to Managed Service for TimescaleDB’s (Google) before Managed Service for TimescaleDB’s backend can notice the peering is ready and traffic can be routed through it. After setting up your side, the VPC peering activates shortly on the Managed Service for TimescaleDB console.

When you have submitted a VPC peering request, you can find cloud-specific identification details for your VPC by hovering your mouse over the pending peer status message of the peering request. The details show in a popup dialog.