Visualize Promscale traces in Jaeger

Jaeger is an open source distributed tracing system used for monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems. To visualize traces stored in Promscale in Jaeger, you need to have the jaeger-query component running. This Jaeger component queries and visualizes traces from Promscale.

This section shows you how to integrate Jaeger with Promscale.

Before you begin, deploy the jaeger-query component from the Jaeger deployments page. Ensure that you are using jaeger-query version 1.30 or later.

Connecting Jaeger Query with Promscale

  1. Configure the SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE, and GRPC_STORAGE_SERVER options for jaeger-query using the environment variables:

    1. SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin

    where: <PROMSCALE_HOST>:9202 is the Promscale gRPC endpoint.

  2. Start the jaeger-query component, it should be successfully connected with Promscale to visualize the traces.

You can visualize traces from Promscale in jaeger-query home page. Use the Search panel on the left to filter and query traces from Promscale.

Sample output for Jaeger query results

Use Docker for setting up Jaeger Query with Promscale

To set up jaeger-query with Promscale using Docker you need the IP address of the Promscale container or the URL.

You can find the IP address of the Promscale container using:

  1. docker inspect <PROMSCALE_CONTAINER_NAME>

In the output, the IP address is listed under NetworkSettingsNetworksIPAddress section.

You can set the URL as <PROMSCALE>:9202 where:

  • <PROMSCALE> is the name of the container
  • 9202 is the gRPC port of Promscale

Connecting Promscale and a Jaeger query

  1. Run Jaeger query using the official Docker image:

    1. docker run -d \
    2. -p 16686:16686 \
    3. --network opentelemetry-demo_default \
    4. --name=jaeger \
    5. -e "SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin" -e "GRPC_STORAGE_SERVER=<PROMSCALE>:9202" \
    6. jaegertracing/jaeger-query:1.30
  2. Navigate to localhost:16686 in your browser, to access the jaeger-query homepage.

  3. Use the Search panel on the left to filter and start querying traces from Promscale.