
This section contains some ideas for troubleshooting common problems experienced with configuration.

Can’t access file “timescaledb” after installation


  1. Log error: could not access file "timescaledb"


If your PostgreSQL logs have this error preventing it from starting up, you should double check that the TimescaleDB files have been installed to the correct location. Our installation methods use pg_config to get PostgreSQL’s location. However if you have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed on the same machine, the location pg_config points to may not be for the version you expect. To check which version TimescaleDB used:

  1. $ pg_config --version
  2. PostgreSQL 12.3

If that is the correct version, double check that the installation path is the one you’d expect. For example, for PostgreSQL 11.0 installed via Homebrew on macOS it should be /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin:

  1. $ pg_config --bindir
  2. /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin

If either of those steps is not the version you are expecting, you need to either (a) uninstall the incorrect version of PostgreSQL if you can or (b) update your PATH environmental variable to have the correct path of pg_config listed first, that is, by prepending the full path:

  1. export PATH = /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/11.0/bin:$PATH

Then, reinstall TimescaleDB and it should find the correct installation path.