Data tiering

Save on storage costs by tiering data to a low-cost object-storage layer.

Timescale Cloud includes a low-cost object-storage layer built on Amazon S3. This allows you to tier your hypertable data across different storage layers to get the best price performance. You can use primary storage for data that requires quick access, and low-cost object storage for historical data. You can query all your data with standard SQL, no matter where it’s stored.


This feature is experimental and offered as part of a private beta. Do not use this feature in production.

Request access and start tiering

To request access to the private beta for data tiering:

  1. Sign in to your Timescale Cloud account.
  2. Click on the service where you want to enable data tiering.
  3. Navigate to Operations, then Data tiering.
  4. Click on Request access. An email goes to our support team, who can help you get access to the private beta.

Benefits of data tiering

With data tiering, you get:

  • Low-cost scalability. Store high volumes of time-series data cost-efficiently in the object store. You pay only for what you store, with no extra cost for queries.

  • Data warehousing. Access all your data without leaving Timescale Cloud. Rather than running a separate system to tier and archive historical data, move it to native object storage.

  • Transparent SQL queries. You can interact with your data normally even when it’s distributed across different storage layers. Queries and JOINs work as usual.

Learn more

Learn how data tiering works.