MongoDB Versioning


Always upgrade to the latest stable revision of your release series.

MongoDB versioning has the form X.Y.Z where X.Yrefers to either a release series or development series and Zrefers to the revision/patch number.

  • If Y is even, X.Y refers to a release series; for example,4.0 release series and 4.2 release series. Release series arestable and suitable for production.
  • If Y is odd, X.Y refers to a development series; for example,4.1 development series and 4.3 development series.Development series are for testing only and not for production.

For example, in MongoDB version 4.0.12, 4.0 refers to therelease series and .12 refers to the revision.

New Releases

Changes in the release series (e.g. 4.0 to 4.2) generally markthe introduction of new features that may break backwards compatibility.

Patch Releases

Changes to the revision number (e.g. 4.0.11 to 4.0.12)generally mark the release of bug fixes and backwards-compatiblechanges.

Driver Versions

The version numbering system for MongoDB differs from the systemused for the MongoDB drivers.