
New in version 3.2.


The killOp command must be run against the admin database.

To run killOp, use the db.runCommand( { <command> } ) method.

The command has the following form:

  1. { "killOp": 1, "op": <opid> }

ParameterTypeDescriptionopnumberAn operation ID.


Terminate running operations with extreme caution. Only usekillOp to terminate operations initiated by clientsand do not terminate internal database operations.

Access Control

On systems running with authorization, to killoperations not owned by the user, the user must have access thatincludes the killop privilege action.

Changed in version 3.2.9: On mongod instances, users can kill their own operationseven without the killop privilege action.

Sharded Cluster

Starting in MongoDB 4.0, the killOp command can be run ona mongos and can kill queries (i.e. read operations)that span shards in a cluster. The killOp command from themongos does not propagate to the shards when theoperation to be killed is a write operation.

For information on how to list sharding operations that are active on amongos, see the localOps parameter in$currentOp.

For more information and examples on killing operations on a shardedcluster, see:


The following example uses killOp to targetthe running operation with opid 3478.

  1. db.adminCommand( { "killOp": 1, "op": 3478 } )

The operation returns the following result:

  1. { "info" : "attempting to kill op", "ok" : 1 }

killOp reports success if it succeeded in marking thespecified operation for termination. Operations may not actually beterminated until they reach an appropriate interruption point. Use$currentOp or db.currentOp() to confirm thetarget operation was terminated.