

  • mongo

mongo is an interactive JavaScript shell interface toMongoDB, which provides a powerful interface for systemadministrators as well as a way for developers to test queries andoperations directly with the database. mongo also providesa fully functional JavaScript environment for use with a MongoDB.

The mongo shell is included as part of the MongoDB Server installation. MongoDB also provides the mongoshell as a standalone package. To download the standalone mongoshell package:

  • Open the Download Center. For themongo Enterprise Shell, select theMongoDB Enterprise Server tab.

  • Select your preferred Version and OS from thedropdowns.

  • Select Shell from the Package dropdown and clickDownload to start downloading the package.

If the Shell option is unavailable for the selected OS andVersion, contact MongoDB Technical Support for assistance.


  • Starting in MongoDB 4.2 (and 4.0.13), the mongo shell displays awarning message when connected to non-genuine MongoDB instances asthese instances may behave differently from the official MongoDBinstances; e.g. missing or incomplete features, different featurebehaviors, etc.
  • Starting in version 4.0, mongo disables support for TLS 1.0encryption on systems where TLS 1.1+ is available. Formore details, see Disable TLS 1.0.


  • You can run mongo shell without any command-lineoptions use the default settings:
  1. mongo
  • You can run mongo shell with a connection string that specifies the host and port andother connection options. For example, the following includes thetls:
  1. mongo "mongodb://"

The tls option is available starting in MongoDB 4.2. Inearlier version, use the ssl option.

To connect mongo shell to a replica set, you canspecify in the connection string the replica set members and name:

  1. mongo "mongodb://,,"

For more information on the connection string options, seeConnection String URI Format.

  • You can run mongo shell with various command-lineoptions. For example:
  1. mongo --host [additional options]
  3. mongo --host --port 27017 [additional options]

For more information on the options available, see Options.


Starting in version 4.2

  • MongoDB deprecates the SSL options and insteads adds newcorresponding TLS options.

Core Options

  • —shell
  • Enables the shell interface. If you invoke the mongo commandand specify a JavaScript file as an argument, or use —eval tospecify JavaScript on the command line, the —shell optionprovides the user with a shell prompt after the file finishes executing.
  • —nodb
  • Prevents the shell from connecting to any database instances. Later, toconnect to a database within the shell, seeOpening New Connections.
  • —norc
  • Prevents the shell from sourcing and evaluating ~/.mongorc.js onstart up.
  • —quiet
  • Silences output from the shell during the connection process.
  • —port <port>
  • Specifies the port where the mongod or mongosinstance is listening. If —port is not specified,mongo attempts to connect to port 27017.
  • —host <hostname>
  • Specifies the name of the host machine where themongod or mongos is running. If this is not specified,mongo attempts to connect to a MongoDB process running onthe localhost.

    • To connect to a replica set,
    • Specify the replica set nameand a seed list of set members. Use the following form:
  1. <replSetName>/<hostname1><:port>,<hostname2><:port>,<...>
  • For TLS/SSL connections (—ssl),
  • The mongo shell verifies that the hostname (specifiedin —host option or the connection string)matches the SAN (or, if SAN is not present, the CN) inthe certificate presented by the mongod ormongos. If SAN is present, mongodoes not match against the CN. If the hostname does not matchthe SAN (or CN), the mongo shell will fail toconnect.

Starting in MongoDB 4.2, when performing comparison of SAN, MongoDBsupports comparison of DNS names or IP addresses. In previous versions,MongoDB only supports comparisons of DNS names.

  • For DNS seedlist connections,
  • Specify the connection protocol as mongodb+srv, followed bythe DNS SRV hostname record and any options. The authSourceand replicaSet options, if included in the connection string,will override any corresponding DNS-configured options set in theTXT record. Use of the mongodb+srv: connection stringimplicitly enables TLS/SSL (normally set with ssl=true) forthe client connection. The TLS/SSL option can be turned off bysetting ssl=false in the query string.


  1. mongodb+srv://

New in version 3.6.

  • —eval <javascript>
  • Evaluates a JavaScript expression that is specified as an argument.mongo does not load its own environment when evaluating code.As a result many options of the shell environment are not available.
  • —username <username>, -u <username>
  • Specifies a username with which to authenticate to a MongoDB databasethat uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the —password and—authenticationDatabase options.
  • —password <password>, -p <password>
  • Specifies a password with which to authenticate to a MongoDB databasethat uses authentication. Use in conjunction with the —usernameand —authenticationDatabase options. To force mongo toprompt for a password, enter the —password option as thelast option and leave out the argument.
  • —help, -h
  • Returns information on the options and use of mongo.
  • —version
  • Returns the mongo release number.
  • —verbose
  • Increases the verbosity of the output of the shell during the connectionprocess.
  • —networkMessageCompressors <string>

New in version 3.4.

Enables network compression for communication between thismongo shell and:

  • a mongod instance
  • a mongos instance.You can specify the following compressors:

  • snappy

  • zlib (Available starting in MongoDB 3.6)
  • zstd (Available starting in MongoDB 4.2)


Messages are compressed when both parties enable networkcompression. Otherwise, messages between the parties areuncompressed.

If you specify multiple compressors, then the order in which you listthe compressors matter as well as the communication initiator. Forexample, if a mongo shell specifies the following networkcompressors zlib,snappy and the mongod specifiessnappy,zlib, messages between mongo shell andmongod uses zlib.

If the parties do not share at least one common compressor, messagesbetween the parties are uncompressed. For example, if amongo shell specifies the network compressorzlib and mongod specifies snappy, messagesbetween mongo shell and mongod are not compressed.

  • —ipv6
  • Enables IPv6 support. mongo disables IPv6 by default.

To connect to a MongoDB cluster via IPv6, you must specifyboth —ipv6and—host <mongod/mongos IPv6 address>when starting the mongo shell.

mongod and mongos disable IPv6 supportby default. Specifying —ipv6 when connecting to amongod/mongos does not enable IPv6 support on themongod/mongos. For documentation on enabling IPv6 supporton the mongod/mongos, see net.ipv6.

  • <db name>
  • Specifies the name of the database to connect to. Forexample:
  1. mongo admin

The above command will connect the mongo shell to theadmin database of the MongoDB deployment running on the local machine. You may specify a remotedatabase instance, with the resolvable hostname or IP address. Separatethe database name from the hostname using a / character. See thefollowing examples:

  1. mongo
  2. mongo mongodb1/admin
  3. mongo

This syntax is the only way to connect to a specific database.

To specify alternate hosts and a database, you must use this syntax and cannotuse —host or —port.

  • —enableJavaScriptJIT

New in version 4.0.

Enable the JavaScript engine’s JIT compiler.

  • —disableJavaScriptJIT

Changed in version 4.0: The JavaScript engine’s JIT compiler is now disabled by default.

Disables the JavaScript engine’s JIT compiler.

  • —disableJavaScriptProtection

New in version 3.4.

Allows fields of type javascript andjavascriptWithScope to be automaticallymarshalled to JavaScript functions in the mongoshell.

With the —disableJavaScriptProtection flag set, it is possibleto immediately execute JavaScript functions contained in documents.The following example demonstrates this behavior within the shell:

  1. > db.test.insert({ _id: 1, jsFunc: function(){ print("hello") } } )
  2. WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
  3. > var doc = db.test.findOne({ _id: 1 })
  4. > doc
  5. { "_id" : 1, "jsFunc" : function (){ print ("hello") } }
  6. > typeof doc.jsFunc
  7. function
  8. > doc.jsFunc()
  9. hello

The default behavior (when mongo starts without the—disableJavaScriptProtection flag) is to convert embeddedJavaScript functions to the non-executable MongoDB shell typeCode. The following example demonstrates the default behaviorwithin the shell:

  1. > db.test.insert({ _id: 1, jsFunc: function(){ print("hello") } } )
  2. WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
  3. > var doc = db.test.findOne({ _id: 1 })
  4. > doc
  5. { "_id" : 1, "jsFunc" : { "code" : "function (){print(\"hello\")}" } }
  6. > typeof doc.func
  7. object
  8. > doc.func instanceof Code
  9. true
  10. > doc.jsFunc()
  11. 2016-11-09T12:30:36.808-0800 E QUERY [thread1] TypeError: doc.jsFunc is
  12. not a function :
  13. @(shell):1:1
  • <file.js>
  • Specifies a JavaScript file to run and then exit. Generally this shouldbe the last option specified.


To specify a JavaScript file to execute and allowmongo to prompt you for a password using—password, pass the filename as the first parameter with—username and —password as the last options, asin the following:

  1. mongo file.js --username username --password

Use the —shell option to return to a shell after the filefinishes running.

Authentication Options

If you do not specify a value for —authenticationDatabase, mongo uses the databasespecified in the connection string.

  • —authenticationMechanism <name>
  • Default: SCRAM-SHA-1

Specifies the authentication mechanism the mongo instance uses toauthenticate to the mongod or mongos.

Changed in version 4.0: MongoDB removes support for the deprecated MongoDBChallenge-Response (MONGODB-CR) authentication mechanism.

MongoDB adds support for SCRAM mechanism using the SHA-256 hashfunction (SCRAM-SHA-256).

ValueDescriptionSCRAM-SHA-1RFC 5802 standardSalted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-1hash function.SCRAM-SHA-256RFC 7677 standardSalted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism using the SHA-256hash function.

Requires featureCompatibilityVersion set to 4.0.

New in version 4.0.

MONGODB-X509MongoDB TLS/SSL certificate authentication.GSSAPI (Kerberos)External authentication using Kerberos. This mechanism isavailable only in MongoDB Enterprise.PLAIN (LDAP SASL)External authentication using LDAP. You can also use PLAINfor authenticating in-database users. PLAIN transmitspasswords in plain text. This mechanism is available only inMongoDB Enterprise.

  • —gssapiHostName

New in version 2.6.

Specify the hostname of a service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the hostname of a machine doesnot match the hostname resolved by DNS.

This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.

  • —gssapiServiceName

New in version 2.6.

Specify the name of the service using GSSAPI/Kerberos. Only required if the service does not use thedefault name of mongodb.

This option is available only in MongoDB Enterprise.

TLS Options


Starting in version 4.0, mongo disables support for TLS 1.0encryption on systems where TLS 1.1+ is available. Formore details, see Disable TLS 1.0.


Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL for fulldocumentation of MongoDB’s support.

  • —tls

New in version 4.2.

Enables connection to a mongod or mongos that hasTLS/SSL support enabled.

Starting in version 3.2.6, if —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFile(or their aliases —sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile) is notspecified, the system-wide CA certificate store will be used whenconnecting to an TLS/SSL-enabled server. In previous versions ofMongoDB, the mongo shell exited with an error that itcould not validate the certificate.

To use x.509 authentication, —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFilemust be specified unless using —tlsCertificateSelector or—net.tls.certificateSelector. Or if using the ssl aliases,—sslCAFile or net.ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using—sslCertificateSelector or net.ssl.certificateSelector.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>

New in version 4.2.

Specifies the .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSLcertificate and key for the mongo shell. Specify thefile name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths.

This option is required when using the —tlsoption to connect to a mongod or mongosinstance that requires client certificates. That is, themongo shell present this certificate to the server.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword <value>

New in version 4.2.

Specifies the password to de-crypt the certificate-key file (i.e.—tlsCertificateKeyFile).

Use the —tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword option only if thecertificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongo willredact the password from all logging and reporting output.

If the private key in the PEM file is encrypted and you do notspecify the —tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword option, the mongo will prompt for apassphrase. See TLS/SSL Certificate Passphrase.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsCAFile <filename>

New in version 4.2.

Specifies the .pem file that contains the root certificatechain from the Certificate Authority. This file is used to validatethe certificate presented by themongod/mongos instance.

Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative orabsolute paths.

Starting in version 3.2.6, if —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFile(or their aliases —sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile) is notspecified, the system-wide CA certificate store will be used whenconnecting to an TLS/SSL-enabled server. In previous versions ofMongoDB, the mongo shell exited with an error that itcould not validate the certificate.

To use x.509 authentication, —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFilemust be specified unless using —tlsCertificateSelector or—net.tls.certificateSelector. Or if using the ssl aliases,—sslCAFile or net.ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using—sslCertificateSelector or net.ssl.certificateSelector.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsCRLFile <filename>

New in version 4.2.

Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate RevocationList. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative orabsolute paths.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsAllowInvalidHostnames

New in version 4.2.

Disables the validation of the hostnames in the certificate presentedby the mongod/mongos instance. Allowsmongo to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname inthe server certificates do not match the server’s host.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsAllowInvalidCertificates

New in version 4.2.

Bypasses the validation checks for the certificates presented by themongod/mongos instance and allowsconnections to servers that present invalid certificates.


Starting in MongoDB 4.0, if you specify—sslAllowInvalidCertificates ornet.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates: true (or in MongoDB 4.2, thealias —tlsAllowInvalidateCertificates ornet.tls.allowInvalidCertificates: true) when using x.509authentication, an invalid certificate is only sufficient toestablish a TLS/SSL connection but is insufficient forauthentication.


Although available, avoid using the—sslAllowInvalidCertificates option if possible. If the use of—sslAllowInvalidCertificates is necessary, only use the optionon systems where intrusion is not possible.

If the mongo shell (and otherMongoDB Tools) runs with the—sslAllowInvalidCertificates option, themongo shell (and otherMongoDB Tools) will not attempt to validatethe server certificates. This creates a vulnerability to expiredmongod and mongos certificates aswell as to foreign processes posing as validmongod or mongos instances. If youonly need to disable the validation of the hostname in theTLS/SSL certificates, see —sslAllowInvalidHostnames.

When using the allowInvalidCertificates setting,MongoDB logs as a warning the use of the invalid certificate.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —tlsFIPSMode

New in version 4.2.

Directs the mongo to use the FIPS mode of the TLS/SSLlibrary. Your system must have a FIPS compliant library to usethe —tlsFIPSMode option.


FIPS-compatible TLS/SSL isavailable only in MongoDB Enterprise. SeeConfigure MongoDB for FIPS for more information.

  • —tlsCertificateSelector <parameter>=<value>

New in version 4.2: Available on Windows and macOS as an alternative to —tlsCertificateKeyFile.

The —tlsCertificateKeyFile and —tlsCertificateSelector options are mutually exclusive. You can onlyspecify one.

Specifies a certificate property in order to select a matchingcertificate from the operating system’s certificate store.

—tlsCertificateSelector accepts an argument of the format <property>=<value>where the property can be one of the following:

PropertyValue typeDescriptionsubjectASCII stringSubject name or common name on certificatethumbprinthex stringA sequence of bytes, expressed as hexadecimal, used toidentify a public key by its SHA-1 digest.

The thumbprint is sometimes referred to as afingerprint.

When using the system SSL certificate store, OCSP (OnlineCertificate Status Protocol) is used to validate the revocationstatus of certificates.

  • —tlsDisabledProtocols <string>

New in version 4.2.

Disables the specified TLS protocols. The option recognizes thefollowing protocols: TLS1_0, TLS1_1, TLS1_2, andstarting in version 4.0.4 (and 3.6.9), TLS1_3.

  • On macOS, you cannot disable TLS1_1 and leave both TLS1_0 andTLS1_2 enabled. You must also disable at least one of the othertwo; for example, TLS1_0,TLS1_1.
  • To list multiple protocols, specify as a comma separated list ofprotocols. For example TLS1_0,TLS1_1.
  • The specified disabled protocols overrides any default disabledprotocols.Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB disables the use of TLS 1.0 if TLS1.1+ is available on the system. To enable thedisabled TLS 1.0, specify none to —tlsDisabledProtocols. See Disable TLS 1.0.

SSL Options (Deprecated)


Starting in version 4.2, the SSL options are deprecated. Use the TLScounterparts instead. The SSL protocol is deprecated and MongoDBsupports TLS 1.0 and later.


Starting in version 4.0, mongo disables support for TLS 1.0encryption on systems where TLS 1.1+ is available. Formore details, see Disable TLS 1.0.

  • —ssl

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tls instead.

Enables connection to a mongod or mongos that hasTLS/SSL support enabled.

Starting in version 3.2.6, if —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFile(or their aliases —sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile) is notspecified, the system-wide CA certificate store will be used whenconnecting to an TLS/SSL-enabled server. In previous versions ofMongoDB, the mongo shell exited with an error that itcould not validate the certificate.

To use x.509 authentication, —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFilemust be specified unless using —tlsCertificateSelector or—net.tls.certificateSelector. Or if using the ssl aliases,—sslCAFile or net.ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using—sslCertificateSelector or net.ssl.certificateSelector.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslPEMKeyFile <filename>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsCertificateKeyFile instead.

Specifies the .pem file that contains both the TLS/SSL certificateand key. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relativeor absolute paths.

This option is required when using the —ssl option to connectto a mongod or mongos that hasCAFile enabled withoutallowConnectionsWithoutCertificates.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslPEMKeyPassword <value>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword instead.

Specifies the password to de-crypt the certificate-key file (i.e.—sslPEMKeyFile). Use the —sslPEMKeyPassword option only if thecertificate-key file is encrypted. In all cases, the mongo willredact the password from all logging and reporting output.

If the private key in the PEM file is encrypted and you do notspecify the —sslPEMKeyPassword option, the mongo will prompt for apassphrase. See TLS/SSL Certificate Passphrase.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslCAFile <filename>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsCAFile instead.

Specifies the .pem file that contains the root certificate chainfrom the Certificate Authority. Specify the file name of the.pem file using relative or absolute paths.

Starting in version 3.2.6, if —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFile(or their aliases —sslCAFile or ssl.CAFile) is notspecified, the system-wide CA certificate store will be used whenconnecting to an TLS/SSL-enabled server. In previous versions ofMongoDB, the mongo shell exited with an error that itcould not validate the certificate.

To use x.509 authentication, —tlsCAFile or net.tls.CAFilemust be specified unless using —tlsCertificateSelector or—net.tls.certificateSelector. Or if using the ssl aliases,—sslCAFile or net.ssl.CAFile must be specified unless using—sslCertificateSelector or net.ssl.certificateSelector.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslCertificateSelector <parameter>=<value>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsCertificateSelector instead.

New in version 4.0: Available on Windows and macOS as an alternative to —tlsCertificateKeyFile.

—tlsCertificateKeyFile and —sslCertificateSelector options are mutually exclusive. You can onlyspecify one.

Specifies a certificate property in order to select a matchingcertificate from the operating system’s certificate store.

—sslCertificateSelector accepts an argument of the format <property>=<value>where the property can be one of the following:

PropertyValue typeDescriptionsubjectASCII stringSubject name or common name on certificatethumbprinthex stringA sequence of bytes, expressed as hexadecimal, used toidentify a public key by its SHA-1 digest.

The thumbprint is sometimes referred to as afingerprint.

When using the system SSL certificate store, OCSP (OnlineCertificate Status Protocol) is used to validate the revocationstatus of certificates.

  • —sslCRLFile <filename>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsCRLFile instead.

Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate RevocationList. Specify the file name of the .pem file using relative orabsolute paths.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslFIPSMode

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsFIPSMode instead.

Directs the mongo to use the FIPS mode of the TLS/SSLlibrary. Your system must have a FIPS compliant library to usethe —sslFIPSMode option.


FIPS-compatible TLS/SSL isavailable only in MongoDB Enterprise. SeeConfigure MongoDB for FIPS for more information.

  • —sslAllowInvalidCertificates

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsAllowInvalidCertificates instead.

Bypasses the validation checks for server certificates and allowsthe use of invalid certificates to connect.


Starting in MongoDB 4.0, if you specify—sslAllowInvalidCertificates ornet.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates: true (or in MongoDB 4.2, thealias —tlsAllowInvalidateCertificates ornet.tls.allowInvalidCertificates: true) when using x.509authentication, an invalid certificate is only sufficient toestablish a TLS/SSL connection but is insufficient forauthentication.


Although available, avoid using the—sslAllowInvalidCertificates option if possible. If the use of—sslAllowInvalidCertificates is necessary, only use the optionon systems where intrusion is not possible.

If the mongo shell (and otherMongoDB Tools) runs with the—sslAllowInvalidCertificates option, themongo shell (and otherMongoDB Tools) will not attempt to validatethe server certificates. This creates a vulnerability to expiredmongod and mongos certificates aswell as to foreign processes posing as validmongod or mongos instances. If youonly need to disable the validation of the hostname in theTLS/SSL certificates, see —sslAllowInvalidHostnames.

When using the allowInvalidCertificates setting,MongoDB logs as a warning the use of the invalid certificate.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslAllowInvalidHostnames

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsAllowInvalidHostnames instead.

Disables the validation of the hostnames in TLS/SSL certificates. Allowsmongo to connect to MongoDB instances even if the hostname in theircertificates do not match the specified hostname.

For more information about TLS/SSL and MongoDB, seeConfigure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSL andTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients .

  • —sslDisabledProtocols <string>

Deprecated since version 4.2: Use —tlsDisabledProtocols instead.

Disables the specified TLS protocols. The option recognizes thefollowing protocols: TLS1_0, TLS1_1, TLS1_2, andstarting in version 4.0.4 (and 3.6.9), TLS1_3.

  • On macOS, you cannot disable TLS1_1 and leave both TLS1_0 andTLS1_2 enabled. You must also disable at least one of the othertwo; for example, TLS1_0,TLS1_1.
  • To list multiple protocols, specify as a comma separated list ofprotocols. For example TLS1_0,TLS1_1.
  • The specified disabled protocols overrides any default disabledprotocols.Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB disables the use of TLS 1.0 if TLS1.1+ is available on the system. To enable thedisabled TLS 1.0, specify none to —sslDisabledProtocols. See Disable TLS 1.0.

New in version 3.6.5.


  • —retryWrites

New in version 3.6.

Enables retryable writes as the default for sessions in themongo shell.

For more information on sessions, see Client Sessions and Causal Consistency Guarantees.

Client-Side Field Level Encryption Options

  • —awsAccessKeyId <string>
  • An AWS Access Keyassociated to an IAM user with List and Read permissions for theAWS Key Management Service (KMS). The mongo shell uses the specified—awsAccessKeyId to access the KMS.

—awsAccessKeyId is required for enabling Client-Side Field Level Encryptionfor the mongo shell session. —awsAccessKeyId requires all of the followingcommand line options:

To mitigate the risk of leaking access keys into logs, consider specifyingan environmental variable to —awsAccessKeyId.

—awsSecretAccessKey is required for enabling Client-Side Field Level Encryptionfor the mongo shell session. —awsSecretAccessKey requires all of the followingcommand line options:

To mitigate the risk of leaking access keys into logs, consider specifyingan environmental variable to —awsSecretAccessKey.

—awsSessionToken is required for enabling Client-Side Field Level Encryptionfor the mongo shell session. —awsSessionToken requires all of the followingcommand line options:

To mitigate the risk of leaking access keys into logs, consider specifyingan environmental variable to —awsSessionToken.

  • —keyVaultNamespace <string>
  • The full namespace (<database>.<collection>) of the collection used as akey vault for Client-Side Field Level Encryption. —keyVaultNamespace isrequired for enabling client-side field level encryption. for the mongoshell session. mongo creates the specified namespace if it does notexist.

—keyVaultNamespace requires all of the following command line options:


  • ~/.dbshell
  • mongo maintains a history of commands in the .dbshellfile.


mongo does not record interaction related toauthentication in the history file, includingauthenticate and db.createUser().

  • ~/.mongorc.js
  • mongo will read the .mongorc.js file from the homedirectory of the user invoking mongo. In the file, userscan define variables, customize the mongo shell prompt,or update information that they would like updated every time theylaunch a shell. If you use the shell to evaluate a JavaScript fileor expression either on the command line with mongo —eval orby specifying a .js file to mongo,mongo will read the .mongorc.js file after theJavaScript has finished processing.

Specify the —norc option to disablereading .mongorc.js.

  • /etc/mongorc.js
  • Global mongorc.js file which the mongo shellevaluates upon start-up. If a user also has a .mongorc.jsfile located in the HOME directory, the mongoshell evaluates the global /etc/mongorc.js file _before_evaluating the user’s .mongorc.js file.

/etc/mongorc.js must have read permission for the userrunning the shell. The —norc option for mongosuppresses only the user’s .mongorc.js file.

On Windows, the global mongorc.js </etc/mongorc.js> existsin the %ProgramData%\MongoDB directory.

  • /tmp/mongo_edit<time_t>.js
  • Created by mongo when editing a file. If the file exists,mongo will append an integer from 1 to 10 to thetime value to attempt to create a unique file.
  • %TEMP%mongo_edit<time_t>.js
  • Created by mongo.exe on Windows when editing a file. Ifthe file exists, mongo will append an integer from 1to 10 to the time value to attempt to create a unique file.


  • Specifies the path to an editor to use with the edit shellcommand. A JavaScript variable EDITOR will override the value ofEDITOR.
  • HOME
  • Specifies the path to the home directory where mongo willread the .mongorc.js file and write the .dbshellfile.
  • On Windows systems, HOMEDRIVE specifies the path thedirectory where mongo will read the .mongorc.jsfile and write the .dbshell file.
  • Specifies the Windows path to the home directory wheremongo will read the .mongorc.js file and writethe .dbshell file.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The mongo shell supports the following keyboard shortcuts:[1]

Up arrowRetrieve previous command from history
Down-arrowRetrieve next command from history
HomeGo to beginning of the line
EndGo to end of the line
TabAutocomplete method/command
Left-arrowGo backward one character
Right-arrowGo forward one character
Ctrl-left-arrowGo backward one word
Ctrl-right-arrowGo forward one word
Meta-left-arrowGo backward one word
Meta-right-arrowGo forward one word
Ctrl-AGo to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-BGo backward one character
Ctrl-CExit the mongo shell
Ctrl-DDelete a char (or exit the mongo shell)
Ctrl-EGo to the end of the line
Ctrl-FGo forward one character
Ctrl-JAccept/evaluate the line
Ctrl-KKill/erase the line
Ctrl-L or type clsClear the screen
Ctrl-MAccept/evaluate the line
Ctrl-NRetrieve next command from history
Ctrl-PRetrieve previous command from history
Ctrl-RReverse-search command history
Ctrl-SForward-search command history
Ctrl-TTranspose characters
Ctrl-UPerform Unix line-discard
Ctrl-WPerform Unix word-rubout
Ctrl-ZSuspend (job control works in linux)
Ctrl-HBackward-delete a character
Ctrl-IComplete, same as Tab
Meta-BGo backward one word
Meta-CCapitalize word
Meta-DKill word
Meta-FGo forward one word
Meta-LChange word to lowercase
Meta-UChange word to uppercase
Meta-BackspaceBackward-kill word
Meta-<Retrieve the first command in command history
Meta->Retrieve the last command in command history
[1]MongoDB accommodates multiple keybinding.Since 2.0, mongo includes support for basic emacskeybindings.


Typically users invoke the shell with the mongo command atthe system prompt. Consider the following examples for otherscenarios.

Connect to a mongod Instance with Access Control

To connect to a database on a remote host using authentication and anon-standard port, use the following form:

  1. mongo --username <user> --password --host <host> --port 28015

Alternatively, consider the following short form:

  1. mongo -u <user> -p --host <host> --port 28015

Replace <user> and <host> with the appropriate values for yoursituation and substitute or omit the —port asneeded.

If you do not specify the password to the —password or -p command-line option, themongo shell prompts for the password.

Connect to a Replica Set Using the DNS Seedlist Connection Format

New in version 3.6.

To connect to a replica set described using theDNS Seedlist Connection Format, use the —host optionto specify the connection string to the mongo shell. Inthe following example, the DNS configuration resembles:

  1. Record TTL Class Priority Weight Port Target
  2. 86400 IN SRV 0 5 27317
  3. 86400 IN SRV 0 5 27017

The TXT record for the DNS entry includes the replicaSet and authSource options:

  1. Record TTL Class Text
  2. 86400 IN TXT "replicaSet=rs0&authSource=admin"

The following command then connects the mongo shell tothe replica set:

  1. mongo --host "mongodb+srv://"

The mongo shell will automatically prompt you to providethe password for the user specified in the username option.

Execute JavaScript Against the mongo Shell

To execute a JavaScript file without evaluating the ~/.mongorc.jsfile before starting a shell session, use the following form:

  1. mongo --shell --norc alternate-environment.js

To execute a JavaScript file with authentication, with password promptedrather than provided on the command-line, use the following form:

  1. mongo script-file.js -u <user> -p

See also


Use —eval to Execute JavaScript Code

You may use the —eval option to executeJavaScript directly from the command line.

For example, the following operation evaluates a JavaScript stringwhich queries a collection and prints the results as JSON.

On Linux and macOS, you will need to use single quotes (e.g. ')to enclose the JavaScript, using the following form:

  1. mongo --eval 'db.collection.find().forEach(printjson)'

On Windows, you will need to use double quotes (e.g. ")to enclose the JavaScript, using the following form:

  1. mongo --eval "db.collection.find().forEach(printjson)"

See also