

  • db.collection.stats()

mongo Shell Method

This page documents the mongo shell method, and doesnot refer to the MongoDB Node.js driver (or any other driver)method. For corresponding MongoDB driver API, refer to your specificMongoDB driver documentation instead.

Returns statistics about the collection.

The method has the following format:

  1. db.collection.stats({
  2. scale: <num>, // Optional
  3. indexDetails: <boolean>, // Optional
  4. indexDetailsKey: <document>, // Optional
  5. indexDetailsName: <string>. // Optional
  6. })

FieldTypeDescriptionscalenumberOptional. The scale factor for the various size data. The scale defaultsto 1 to return size data in bytes. To display kilobytes rather thanbytes, specify a scale value of 1024.

If you specify a non-integer scale factor, MongoDB uses the integerpart of the specified factor. For example, if you specify a scalefactor of 1023.999, MongoDB uses 1023 as the scale factor.

Starting in version 4.2, the output includes the scaleFactorused to scale the size values.

New in version 3.0.

indexDetailsbooleanOptional. If true, db.collection.stats() returnsindex detailsin addition to the collection stats.

Only works for WiredTiger storage engine.

Defaults to false.

New in version 3.0.

indexDetailsKeydocumentOptional. If indexDetails is true, you can use indexDetailsKey to filterindex details by specifying the index key specification.Only the index that exactly matches indexDetailsKey will be returned.

If no match is found, indexDetails will displaystatistics for all indexes.

Use getIndexes() to discover index keys. You cannotuse indexDetailsKey with indexDetailsName.

New in version 3.0.

indexDetailsNamestringOptional. If indexDetails is true, you can use indexDetailsName tofilter index details by specifying the index name.Only the index name that exactlymatches indexDetailsName will be returned.

If no match is found, indexDetails will displaystatistics for all indexes.

Use getIndexes() to discover index names. You cannotuse indexDetailsName with indexDetailsField.

New in version 3.0.

To specify just the scale factor, MongoDB supports the legacyformat:

  1. db.collection.stats(<number>)

Returns:A document that contains statistics on the specifiedcollection. See collStats for a breakdown of the returnedstatistics.

The db.collection.stats() method provides a wrapperaround the database command collStats.


Scaled Sizes

Unless otherwise specified by the metric name (such as "bytescurrently in the cache"), values related to size are displayed inbytes and can be overridden by scale.

The scale factor rounds the affected size values to whole numbers.

Storage Engine

Depending on the storage engine, the data returned may differ. For details onthe fields, see output details.

Accuracy after Unexpected Shutdown

After an unclean shutdown of a mongod using the Wired Tiger storage engine, count and size statistics reported bydb.collection.stats() may be inaccurate.

The amount of drift depends on the number of insert, update, or deleteoperations performed between the last checkpoint and the unclean shutdown. Checkpointsusually occur every 60 seconds. However, mongod instances runningwith non-default —syncdelay settings may have more or less frequentcheckpoints.

Run validate on each collection on the mongodto restore the correct statistics after an unclean shutdown.

Index Filter Behavior

Filtering on indexDetails using either indexDetailsKey orindexDetailsName will only return a single matching index.If no exact match is found, indexDetails will show informationon all indexes for the collection.

The indexDetailsKey field takes a document of the following form:

  1. { '<string>' : <value>, '<string>' : <value>, ... }

Where <string>> is the field that is indexed and <value> is eitherthe direction of the index, or the special index type such as text or2dsphere. See index types for the full list ofindex types.

Unexpected Shutdown and Count

For MongoDB instances using the WiredTigerstorage engine, after an unclean shutdown, statistics on size and countmay off by up to 1000 documents as reported by collStats,dbStats, count. To restore the correctstatistics for the collection, run validate on thecollection.

In-Progress Indexes

Starting in MongoDB 4.2, the db.collection.stats includesinformation on indexes currently being built. For details, see:



You can find the collection data used for these examples in ourprimer-dataset.json

Basic Stats Lookup

The following operation returns stats on the restaurants collectionin the test database:

  1. db.restaurants.stats()

The operation returns:

  1. {
  2. "ns" : "test.restaurants",
  3. "size" : 10624215,
  4. "count" : 25359,
  5. "avgObjSize" : 418,
  6. "storageSize" : 3801088,
  7. "capped" : false,
  8. "wiredTiger" : {
  9. "metadata" : {
  10. "formatVersion" : 1
  11. },
  12. "creationString" : "access_pattern_hint=none,allocation_size=4KB,app_metadata=(formatVersion=1),assert=(commit_timestamp=none,read_timestamp=none),block_allocation=best,block_compressor=snappy,cache_resident=false,checksum=on,colgroups=,collator=,columns=,dictionary=0,encryption=(keyid=,name=),exclusive=false,extractor=,format=btree,huffman_key=,huffman_value=,ignore_in_memory_cache_size=false,immutable=false,internal_item_max=0,internal_key_max=0,internal_key_truncate=true,internal_page_max=4KB,key_format=q,key_gap=10,leaf_item_max=0,leaf_key_max=0,leaf_page_max=32KB,leaf_value_max=64MB,log=(enabled=true),lsm=(auto_throttle=true,bloom=true,bloom_bit_count=16,bloom_config=,bloom_hash_count=8,bloom_oldest=false,chunk_count_limit=0,chunk_max=5GB,chunk_size=10MB,merge_custom=(prefix=,start_generation=0,suffix=),merge_max=15,merge_min=0),memory_page_image_max=0,memory_page_max=10m,os_cache_dirty_max=0,os_cache_max=0,prefix_compression=false,prefix_compression_min=4,source=,split_deepen_min_child=0,split_deepen_per_child=0,split_pct=90,type=file,value_format=u",
  13. "type" : "file",
  14. "uri" : "statistics:table:collection-13--5172949556175635116",
  15. "LSM" : {
  16. "bloom filter false positives" : 0,
  17. "bloom filter hits" : 0,
  18. "bloom filter misses" : 0,
  19. "bloom filter pages evicted from cache" : 0,
  20. "bloom filter pages read into cache" : 0,
  21. "bloom filters in the LSM tree" : 0,
  22. "chunks in the LSM tree" : 0,
  23. "highest merge generation in the LSM tree" : 0,
  24. "queries that could have benefited from a Bloom filter that did not exist" : 0,
  25. "sleep for LSM checkpoint throttle" : 0,
  26. "sleep for LSM merge throttle" : 0,
  27. "total size of bloom filters" : 0
  28. },
  29. "block-manager" : {
  30. "allocations requiring file extension" : 0,
  31. "blocks allocated" : 0,
  32. "blocks freed" : 0,
  33. "checkpoint size" : 0,
  34. "file allocation unit size" : 4096,
  35. "file bytes available for reuse" : 0,
  36. "file magic number" : 120897,
  37. "file major version number" : 1,
  38. "file size in bytes" : 4096,
  39. "minor version number" : 0
  40. },
  41. "btree" : {
  42. "btree checkpoint generation" : 0,
  43. "column-store fixed-size leaf pages" : 0,
  44. "column-store internal pages" : 0,
  45. "column-store variable-size RLE encoded values" : 0,
  46. "column-store variable-size deleted values" : 0,
  47. "column-store variable-size leaf pages" : 0,
  48. "fixed-record size" : 0,
  49. "maximum internal page key size" : 368,
  50. "maximum internal page size" : 4096,
  51. "maximum leaf page key size" : 2867,
  52. "maximum leaf page size" : 32768,
  53. "maximum leaf page value size" : 67108864,
  54. "maximum tree depth" : 3,
  55. "number of key/value pairs" : 0,
  56. "overflow pages" : 0,
  57. "pages rewritten by compaction" : 0,
  58. "row-store internal pages" : 0,
  59. "row-store leaf pages" : 0
  60. },
  61. "cache" : {
  62. "bytes currently in the cache" : 13522657,
  63. "bytes dirty in the cache cumulative" : 1288,
  64. "bytes read into cache" : 0,
  65. "bytes written from cache" : 0,
  66. "checkpoint blocked page eviction" : 0,
  67. "data source pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : 0,
  68. "eviction walk passes of a file" : 0,
  69. "eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9" : 0,
  70. "eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31" : 0,
  71. "eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher" : 0,
  72. "eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63" : 0,
  73. "eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128" : 0,
  74. "eviction walks abandoned" : 0,
  75. "eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice" : 0,
  76. "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates" : 0,
  77. "eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates" : 0,
  78. "eviction walks reached end of tree" : 0,
  79. "eviction walks started from root of tree" : 0,
  80. "eviction walks started from saved location in tree" : 0,
  81. "hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : 0,
  82. "in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : 2,
  83. "in-memory page splits" : 1,
  84. "internal pages evicted" : 0,
  85. "internal pages split during eviction" : 0,
  86. "leaf pages split during eviction" : 0,
  87. "modified pages evicted" : 0,
  88. "overflow pages read into cache" : 0,
  89. "page split during eviction deepened the tree" : 0,
  90. "page written requiring cache overflow records" : 0,
  91. "pages read into cache" : 0,
  92. "pages read into cache after truncate" : 1,
  93. "pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state" : 0,
  94. "pages read into cache requiring cache overflow entries" : 0,
  95. "pages requested from the cache" : 25961,
  96. "pages seen by eviction walk" : 0,
  97. "pages written from cache" : 0,
  98. "pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : 0,
  99. "tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : 13522657,
  100. "unmodified pages evicted" : 0
  101. },
  102. "cache_walk" : {
  103. "Average difference between current eviction generation when the page was last considered" : 0,
  104. "Average on-disk page image size seen" : 0,
  105. "Average time in cache for pages that have been visited by the eviction server" : 0,
  106. "Average time in cache for pages that have not been visited by the eviction server" : 0,
  107. "Clean pages currently in cache" : 0,
  108. "Current eviction generation" : 0,
  109. "Dirty pages currently in cache" : 0,
  110. "Entries in the root page" : 0,
  111. "Internal pages currently in cache" : 0,
  112. "Leaf pages currently in cache" : 0,
  113. "Maximum difference between current eviction generation when the page was last considered" : 0,
  114. "Maximum page size seen" : 0,
  115. "Minimum on-disk page image size seen" : 0,
  116. "Number of pages never visited by eviction server" : 0,
  117. "On-disk page image sizes smaller than a single allocation unit" : 0,
  118. "Pages created in memory and never written" : 0,
  119. "Pages currently queued for eviction" : 0,
  120. "Pages that could not be queued for eviction" : 0,
  121. "Refs skipped during cache traversal" : 0,
  122. "Size of the root page" : 0,
  123. "Total number of pages currently in cache" : 0
  124. },
  125. "compression" : {
  126. "compressed pages read" : 0,
  127. "compressed pages written" : 0,
  128. "page written failed to compress" : 0,
  129. "page written was too small to compress" : 0
  130. },
  131. "cursor" : {
  132. "bulk-loaded cursor-insert calls" : 0,
  133. "close calls that result in cache" : 0,
  134. "create calls" : 1,
  135. "cursor operation restarted" : 0,
  136. "cursor-insert key and value bytes inserted" : 10691718,
  137. "cursor-remove key bytes removed" : 0,
  138. "cursor-update value bytes updated" : 0,
  139. "cursors reused from cache" : 28,
  140. "insert calls" : 25359,
  141. "modify calls" : 0,
  142. "next calls" : 76080,
  143. "open cursor count" : 0,
  144. "prev calls" : 1,
  145. "remove calls" : 0,
  146. "reserve calls" : 0,
  147. "reset calls" : 1034,
  148. "search calls" : 0,
  149. "search near calls" : 595,
  150. "truncate calls" : 0,
  151. "update calls" : 0
  152. },
  153. "reconciliation" : {
  154. "dictionary matches" : 0,
  155. "fast-path pages deleted" : 0,
  156. "internal page key bytes discarded using suffix compression" : 0,
  157. "internal page multi-block writes" : 0,
  158. "internal-page overflow keys" : 0,
  159. "leaf page key bytes discarded using prefix compression" : 0,
  160. "leaf page multi-block writes" : 0,
  161. "leaf-page overflow keys" : 0,
  162. "maximum blocks required for a page" : 0,
  163. "overflow values written" : 0,
  164. "page checksum matches" : 0,
  165. "page reconciliation calls" : 0,
  166. "page reconciliation calls for eviction" : 0,
  167. "pages deleted" : 0
  168. },
  169. "session" : {
  170. "object compaction" : 0
  171. },
  172. "transaction" : {
  173. "update conflicts" : 0
  174. }
  175. },
  176. "nindexes" : 4,
  177. "indexBuilds" : [ ], // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  178. "totalIndexSize" : 684032s,
  179. "indexSizes" : {
  180. "_id_" : 237568,
  181. "cuisine_1" : 143360,
  182. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : 151552,
  183. "borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : 151552
  184. },
  185. "scaleFactor" : 1, // Available starting in MongODB 4.2
  186. "ok" : 1
  187. }

As stats was not give a scale parameter, all size values are in bytes.

Stats Lookup With Scale

The following operation changes the scale of data from bytes to kilobytesby specifying a scale of 1024:

  1. db.restaurants.stats( { scale : 1024 } )

The operation returns:

  1. {
  2. "ns" : "test.restaurants",
  3. "size" : 10375,
  4. "count" : 25359,
  5. "avgObjSize" : 418,
  6. "storageSize" : 3712,
  7. "capped" : false,
  8. "wiredTiger" : {
  9. ...
  10. },
  11. "nindexes" : 4,
  12. "indexBuilds" : [ ], // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  13. "totalIndexSize" : 668,
  14. "indexSizes" : {
  15. "_id_" : 232,
  16. "cuisine_1" : 140,
  17. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : 148,
  18. "borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : 148
  19. },
  20. "scaleFactor" : 1024, // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  21. "ok" : 1
  22. }

Statistics Lookup With Index Details

The following operation creates an indexDetails document that containsinformation related to each of the indexes within the collection:

  1. db.restaurants.stats( { indexDetails : true } )

The operation returns:

  1. {
  2. "ns" : "test.restaurants",
  3. "size" : 10624215,
  4. "count" : 25359,
  5. "avgObjSize" : 418,
  6. "storageSize" : 3801088,
  7. "capped" : false,
  8. "wiredTiger" : {
  9. ...
  10. }
  11. "nindexes" : 4,
  12. "indexDetails" : {
  13. "_id_" : {
  14. "metadata" : {
  15. "formatVersion" : 8,
  16. "infoObj" : "{ \"v\" : 2, \"key\" : { \"_id\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"_id_\", \"ns\" : \"test.restaurants\" }"
  17. },
  18. "creationString" : "access_pattern_hint=none,allocation_size=4KB,app_metadata=(formatVersion=8,infoObj={ \"v\" : 2, \"key\" : { \"_id\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"_id_\", \"ns\" : \"test.restaurants\" }),assert=(commit_timestamp=none,read_timestamp=none),block_allocation=best,block_compressor=,cache_resident=false,checksum=on,colgroups=,collator=,columns=,dictionary=0,encryption=(keyid=,name=),exclusive=false,extractor=,format=btree,huffman_key=,huffman_value=,ignore_in_memory_cache_size=false,immutable=false,internal_item_max=0,internal_key_max=0,internal_key_truncate=true,internal_page_max=16k,key_format=u,key_gap=10,leaf_item_max=0,leaf_key_max=0,leaf_page_max=16k,leaf_value_max=0,log=(enabled=true),lsm=(auto_throttle=true,bloom=true,bloom_bit_count=16,bloom_config=,bloom_hash_count=8,bloom_oldest=false,chunk_count_limit=0,chunk_max=5GB,chunk_size=10MB,merge_custom=(prefix=,start_generation=0,suffix=),merge_max=15,merge_min=0),memory_page_image_max=0,memory_page_max=5MB,os_cache_dirty_max=0,os_cache_max=0,prefix_compression=true,prefix_compression_min=4,source=,split_deepen_min_child=0,split_deepen_per_child=0,split_pct=90,type=file,value_format=u",
  19. "type" : "file",
  20. "uri" : "statistics:table:index-14--5172949556175635116",
  21. "LSM" : {
  22. ...
  23. },
  24. "block-manager" : {
  25. ...
  26. },
  27. "btree" : {
  28. ...
  29. },
  30. "cache" : {
  31. ...
  32. },
  33. "cache_walk" : {
  34. ...
  35. },
  36. "compression" : {
  37. ...
  38. },
  39. "cursor" : {
  40. ...
  42. },
  43. "reconciliation" : {
  44. ...
  45. },
  46. "session" : {
  47. ...
  48. },
  49. "transaction" : {
  50. "update conflicts" : 0
  51. }
  52. },
  53. "cuisine_1" : {
  54. "metadata" : {
  55. "formatVersion" : 8,
  56. "infoObj" : "{ \"v\" : 2, \"key\" : { \"cuisine\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"cuisine_1\", \"ns\" : \"test.restaurants\" }"
  57. },
  58. ...
  59. },
  60. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : {
  61. "metadata" : {
  62. "formatVersion" : 8,
  63. "infoObj" : "{ \"v\" : 2, \"key\" : { \"borough\" : 1, \"cuisine\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"borough_1_cuisine_1\", \"ns\" : \"test.restaurants\" }"
  64. },
  65. ...
  67. },
  68. "borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : {
  69. "metadata" : {
  70. "formatVersion" : 8,
  71. "infoObj" : "{ \"v\" : 2, \"key\" : { \"borough\" : 1, \"address.zipcode\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"borough_1_address.zipcode_1\", \"ns\" : \"test.restaurants\" }"
  72. },
  73. ...
  74. }
  75. },
  76. "indexBuilds" : [ ], // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  77. "totalIndexSize" : 684032,
  78. "indexSizes" : {
  79. "_id_" : 237568,
  80. "cuisine_1" : 143360,
  81. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : 151552,
  82. "borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : 151552
  83. },
  84. "scaleFactor" : 1, // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  85. "ok" : 1
  86. }

Statistics Lookup With Filtered Index Details

To filter the indexes in the indexDetails field, you caneither specify the index keys using the indexDetailsKey option or specifythe index name using the indexDetailsName. To discover index keys andnames for the collection, use db.collection.getIndexes().

Given the following index:

  1. {
  2. "ns" : "test.restaurants",
  3. "v" : 1,
  4. "key" : {
  5. "borough" : 1,
  6. "cuisine" : 1
  7. },
  8. "name" : "borough_1_cuisine_1"
  9. }

The following operation filters the indexDetails document to a singleindex as defined by the indexDetailsKey document.

  1. db.restaurants.stats(
  2. {
  3. 'indexDetails' : true,
  4. 'indexDetailsKey' :
  5. {
  6. 'borough' : 1,
  7. 'cuisine' : 1
  8. }
  9. }
  10. )

The following operation filters the indexDetails document to a singleindex as defined by the indexDetailsName document.

  1. db.restaurants.stats(
  2. {
  3. 'indexDetails' : true,
  4. 'indexDetailsName' : 'borough_1_cuisine_1'
  5. }
  6. )

Both operations will return the same output:

  1. {
  2. "ns" : "test.restaurants",
  3. "size" : 10624215,
  4. "count" : 25359,
  5. "avgObjSize" : 418,
  6. "storageSize" : 3801088,
  7. "capped" : false,
  8. "wiredTiger" : {
  9. ...
  10. },
  11. "nindexes" : 4,
  12. "indexDetails" : {
  13. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : {
  14. "metadata" : {
  15. "formatVersion" : 6,
  16. "infoObj" : "{ \"v\" : 1, \"key\" : { \"borough\" : 1, \"cuisine\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"borough_1_cuisine_1\", \"ns\" : \"blogs.posts\" }"
  17. },
  18. "creationString" : "allocation_size=4KB,app_metadata=(formatVersion=6,infoObj={ \"v\" : 1, \"key\" : { \"borough\" : 1, \"cuisine\" : 1 }, \"name\" : \"borough_1_cuisine_1\", \"ns\" : \"blogs.posts\" }),block_allocation=best,block_compressor=,cache_resident=0,checksum=on,colgroups=,collator=,columns=,dictionary=0,encryption=(keyid=,name=),exclusive=0,extractor=,format=btree,huffman_key=,huffman_value=,immutable=0,internal_item_max=0,internal_key_max=0,internal_key_truncate=,internal_page_max=16k,key_format=u,key_gap=10,leaf_item_max=0,leaf_key_max=0,leaf_page_max=16k,leaf_value_max=0,log=(enabled=),lsm=(auto_throttle=,bloom=,bloom_bit_count=16,bloom_config=,bloom_hash_count=8,bloom_oldest=0,chunk_count_limit=0,chunk_max=5GB,chunk_size=10MB,merge_max=15,merge_min=0),memory_page_max=5MB,os_cache_dirty_max=0,os_cache_max=0,prefix_compression=true,prefix_compression_min=4,source=,split_deepen_min_child=0,split_deepen_per_child=0,split_pct=75,type=file,value_format=u",
  19. "type" : "file",
  20. "uri" : "statistics:table:index-4-7253336746667145592",
  21. "LSM" : {
  22. ...
  23. },
  24. "block-manager" : {
  25. ...
  26. },
  27. "btree" : {
  28. ...
  29. },
  30. "cache" : {
  31. ...
  32. },
  33. "cache_walk" : {
  34. ...
  35. },
  36. "compression" : {
  37. ...
  38. },
  39. "cursor" : {
  40. ...
  41. },
  42. "reconciliation" : {
  43. ...
  44. },
  45. "session" : {
  46. ...
  47. },
  48. "transaction" : {
  49. ...
  50. }
  51. }
  52. },
  53. "indexBuilds" : [ ], // Available starting in MongoDB 4.2
  54. "totalIndexSize" : 684032,
  55. "indexSizes" : {
  56. "_id_" : 237568,
  57. "cuisine_1" : 143360,
  58. "borough_1_cuisine_1" : 151552,
  59. "borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : 151552
  60. },
  61. "ok" : 1
  62. }

For explanation of the output, see output details.

See also
