Security Reference

The following lists the security related methods available in themongo shell as well as additional security reference material.

Security Methods in the mongo Shell

User Management and Authentication Methods

db.auth()Authenticates a user to a database.
db.changeUserPassword()Changes an existing user’s password.
db.createUser()Creates a new user.
db.dropUser()Removes a single user.
db.dropAllUsers()Deletes all users associated with a database.
db.getUser()Returns information about the specified user.
db.getUsers()Returns information about all users associated with a database.
db.grantRolesToUser()Grants a role and its privileges to a user.
db.removeUser()Deprecated. Removes a user from a database.
db.revokeRolesFromUser()Removes a role from a user.
db.updateUser()Updates user data.
passwordPrompt()Prompts for the password as an alternative to specifying passwordsdirectly in various mongo shell userauthentication/management methods.

Role Management Methods

db.createRole()Creates a role and specifies its privileges.
db.dropRole()Deletes a user-defined role.
db.dropAllRoles()Deletes all user-defined roles associated with a database.
db.getRole()Returns information for the specified role.
db.getRoles()Returns information for all the user-defined roles in a database.
db.grantPrivilegesToRole()Assigns privileges to a user-defined role.
db.revokePrivilegesFromRole()Removes the specified privileges from a user-defined role.
db.grantRolesToRole()Specifies roles from which a user-defined role inherits privileges.
db.revokeRolesFromRole()Removes inherited roles from a role.
db.updateRole()Updates a user-defined role.

Security Reference Documentation