

  • db.getCollectionNames()
  • Returns an array containing the names of all collections andviews in the current database, or if runningwith access control, the names of the collections according to user’sprivilege. For details, see Required Access.


Changed in version 4.0: db.getCollectionNames() no longer locks the collections toreturn name information.

For MongoDB 3.0 deployments using the WiredTiger storage engine, if you run db.getCollectionNames() from aversion of the mongo shell before 3.0 or a version of thedriver prior to 3.0 compatible version, db.getCollectionNames() will return no data, even ifthere are existing collections. For more information, seeWiredTiger and Driver Version Compatibility.

Required Access

Starting in version 4.0 of the mongo shell,db.getCollectionNames() is equivalent to:

  1. db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1.0, authorizedCollections: true, nameOnly: true } )
  • For users with the required access (privileges that grantlistCollections action on the database), the methodlists the names of all collections for the database.
  • For users without the required access, the method lists only thecollections for which the users has privileges. For example, if auser has find on a specific collection in adatabase, the method would return just that collection.


Client Disconnection

Starting in MongoDB 4.2, if the client that issued the db.getCollectionNames()disconnects before the operation completes, MongoDB marksthe db.getCollectionNames() for termination (i.e. killOp on theoperation).


The following returns the names of all collections in the recordsdatabase:

  1. use records
  2. db.getCollectionNames()

The method returns the names of the collections in an array:

  1. [ "employees", "products", "mylogs", "system.indexes" ]