

New in version 3.4.


Available for Linux and macOS.

mongoreplay is a traffic capture and replay tool for MongoDBthat you can use to inspect and record commands sent to a MongoDBinstance, and then replay those commands back onto another host at alater time.

mongoreplay can help you preview how your MongoDB deploymentwill perform a production workload under a different environment,such as with a different storage engine, on different hardware, orwith a different operating system configuration.mongoreplay can also help reproduce and investigate an issue byrecording and replaying the operations that trigger the issue.Finally, mongoreplay serves as a more flexible version ofthe legacy mongosniff tool to help you investigate database activity.

Run mongoreplay from the system command line, not the mongo shell.


The mongoreplay tool is part of the MongoDB tools package. Consult theinstallation guide for your platform forinstructions on how to install the tools package as part of yourMongoDB installation.

The tools package is also available from theMongoDB Download Center,either as a separate tools download, or contained within theTGZ or ZIP downloads, depending on platform. The mongoreplay tool is not available on Windows.


If downloading the TGZ or ZIP files from the DownloadCenter, you may want to update your PATH environmentvariable to include the directory where you installed these tools.See the installation guidefor your platform for more information.

Required Access

mongoreplay requires access to the network interface thatthe record or monitor commands willlisten on. You may need to run mongoreplay with root privilegesto access the network device.

mongoreplay will not work with MongoDB instances using an SSL connection.


Only use root privileges when connecting to trusted sources.

If you are using play to connect to a MongoDB deploymentthat enforces access control, you mustconnect as a user with the required privileges to execute therecorded operations. Include the user’s credentials in the—host MongoDB connection string.


  • mongoreplay
  • —verbosity, -v
  • Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard outputor in log files. Increase the verbosity with the -v form byincluding the option multiple times, (e.g. -vvvvv.)
  • —debug, -d
  • Increases the amount of detail about mongoreplay operationsand errors recordedin log files. Increase the debugging detail with the -d form byincluding the option multiple times, (e.g. -ddd.)
  • —silent, -s
  • When set, mongoreplay does not produce any log output.
  • —help
  • Returns information on the options and use of mongoreplay.


mongoreplay includes the following commands to record,play back, and monitor MongoDB network traffic.

mongoreplay record

record produces a playback file based onnetwork traffic. record supports collecting networktraffic directly or canaccept a pcap fileto produce the playback file.The playback file contains a list of all requests sent to themongod instance during the recording as well as allresponses transmitted to the client during the recording. The playbackfile also records metadata for each request, such as the connectionidentifier and timestamp.

The following prototype uses mongoreplay to record dataon the loopback network interface and creates a playback filelocated at ~/recordings/playback.

  1. mongoreplay record -i eth0 -e "port 27017" -p ~/recordings/playback

Similarly, the following prototype uses mongoreplayto produce a playback file from an existing pcap file:

  1. mongoreplay record -f traffic.pcap -p ~/recordings/playback

record supports the following options:

  • mongoreplay record
  • record
  • -f <path>
  • Specifies the path to a pcap file that record should read toproduce a playback file.

Use -f as an alternative to capturing network traffic using-i. You must specify either -f or -i. If you includeboth options, mongoreplay record produces an error.

  • -b <number>
  • Size of heap used to merge separate streams together.
  • —expr <filter expression>, -e <filter expression>
  • An expression in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax to apply to incoming traffic torecord. Required if you are capturing traffic from a network interface using-i.

For example, to capture traffic from a MongoDB instance running onport 27017, you would specify -e 'port 27017'.

  • -i <interface>
  • Specifies the network interface that record should listen on tocapture network traffic.

Use with -e.

Use -i as an alternative to reading an existing pcap file with-i. You must specify either -f or -i. If you includeboth options, mongoreplay record produces an error.

  • —gzip <boolean>
  • If specified, record compresses the playback file with gzip.
  • —playback-file <path>, -p <path>
  • Specifies the path to which to write the playback file.

The produced playback file is a BSON file.


Use record for examples of usingmongoreplay with the record command.

mongoreplay play


Starting in MongoDB 4.0, mongoreplay play supports a newMONGOREPLAY_HOST environment variable that specifies theMongoDB connection string. The new environmentvairable can be used instead of the command-line —host option.

For example, the following uses mongoreplay play to replay the~/recordings/playback playback file to the mongod instance running on192.168.0.4:27018:

  1. mongoreplay play -p ~/recordings/playback --report ~/reports/replay_stats.json --host mongodb://
  • Using the MONGOREPLAY_HOST environment variable (Available starting in MongoDB 4.0):
  1. export MONGOREPLAY_HOST="mongodb://"
  2. mongoreplay play -p ~/recordings/playback --report ~/reports/replay_stats.json

play Options

play supports the following options:

  • mongoreplay play
  • —collect <json|format|none>
  • Default: format

Specifies the output format for the collected statistics.

  • json: outputs stat information as json
  • format: uses the formatting specified in the —format optionto produce the output file.
  • none: does not provide any output
  • —report <path>
  • Specifies the path to which to write an execution report.Use —collect to specify the output format for the report.

If you do not specify —report, play writes to STDOUT.

  • —no-truncate
  • If specified, disables truncation of large reply payload data in theplay log output.
  • —format
  • Default: %F{blue}%t%f %F{cyan}(Connection: %o:%i)%f %F{yellow}%l%f%F{red}%T %c%f %F{white}%n%f%F{green}%Q{Request:}%f%q%F{green}%R{Response:}%f%r)

Specifies the format for terminal output.You can specify arguments immediately after the format ‘verbs’ by wrappingthem in curly braces, as in %Q{<arg>}.

If you specify —format, also specify format as the value for the—collect option.

—format supports the following verbs:

  • %n: namespace
  • %l: latency
  • %t: time. You may optionally specify the date layout using theGo Programming Language’s time formatting. Gouses Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006 as its reference time. Youmust specify the time format using the reference time. Thus, if youwanted to print the date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm, you wouldspecify %t{2006-01-02 15:04}. Refer to the Go time formattingdocumentation for more information.
  • %T: op time
  • %c: command
  • %o: number of connections
  • %i: request ID
  • %q: request. You may optinally specified a dot-delimited fieldwithin the JSON structure, as in, %q{command_args.documents}.
  • %r: response. You may optinally specified a dot-delimited fieldwithin the JSON structure, as in, %q{command_args.documents}.
  • %Q{<arg>}: display <arg> on presence of request data
  • %R{<arg>}: display <arg> on presence of response dataIn addition, —format supports the following start/end ANSI escape sequences:

  • %B/%b: bold

  • %U/%u: underline
  • %S/%s: standout
  • %F/%f: text color (required arg – word or number, 8-color)
  • %K/%k: background color (required arg – same as %F/%f)
  • —playback-file <path>, -p <path>
  • Specifies the path from which to read the playback file.

If the playback file was created using the —gzip option, you must also specify —gzipwhen running play.

  • —speed number
  • Default: 1.0

Specifies a multiplier to adjust playback speed. —speed 1.0processes the playback file in real time; —speed 0.5 at halfspeed; —speed 3.0 at triple speed.

The specified speed is a target speed. If mongoreplay play encountersa bottleneck, playback may be slower than the specified multiplier.

  • —host <uri connection string>
  • Default: mongodb://localhost:27017

Specifies a MongoDB connection stringfor the MongoDB deployment to which toplay back the captured network traffic.

By default, playattempts to connect to a mongod instance running on the localhost onport number 27017.


Starting in MongoDB 4.0, mongoreplay play supports a newMONGOREPLAY_HOST environment variable that specifies theconnection string for the MongoDB deployment. The new environmentvairable can be used instead of the command-line —host option.

If —host command-line option isspecified, the —host value overridesthe environment variable.

  • —repeat number
  • Default: 1

Specifies the number of times to play the playback file.

  • —queueTime number
  • Default: 15

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, to queue operations in advanceof transmitting them.

  • —no-preprocess
  • When set, play does not preprocess the input file to pre-mapdata such as MongoDB cursor IDs.
  • —gzip <boolean>
  • If specified, play decompresses the playback file with gzip.


Use play for examples of usingmongoreplay with the play command.

mongoreplay monitor

monitor inspects live or pre-recordedMongoDB network traffic.

The following prototype uses mongoreplay to produce aJSON report based on the playback.bson playback file in the ~/recordings directory:

  1. mongoreplay monitor --collect json --report ~/reports/monitor-report.json -p ~/recordings/playback.bson

monitor supports the following options:

  • mongoreplay monitor
  • monitor
  • —collect <json|format|none>
  • Default: format

Specifies the output format for the collected statistics.

  • json: outputs stat information as json
  • format: uses the formatting specified in the —format optionto produce the output file.
  • none: does not provide any output
  • —report <path>
  • Specifies the path to which to write an execution report.Use —collect to specify the output format for the report.

If you do not specify —report, monitor writes to STDOUT.

  • —no-truncate
  • If specified, disables truncation of large reply payload data in themonitor log output.
  • —format
  • Default: %F{blue}%t%f %F{cyan}(Connection: %o:%i)%f %F{yellow}%l%f%F{red}%T %c%f %F{white}%n%f%F{green}%Q{Request:}%f%q%F{green}%R{Response:}%f%r)

Specifies the format for terminal output.You can specify arguments immediately after the format ‘verbs’ by wrappingthem in curly braces, as in %Q{<arg>}.

If you specify —format, also specify format as the value for the—collect option.

—format supports the following verbs:

  • %n: namespace
  • %l: latency
  • %t: time. You may optionally specify the date layout using theGo Programming Language’s time formatting. Gouses Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006 as its reference time. Youmust specify the time format using the reference time. Thus, if youwanted to print the date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm, you wouldspecify %t{2006-01-02 15:04}. Refer to the Go time formattingdocumentation for more information.
  • %T: op time
  • %c: command
  • %o: number of connections
  • %i: request ID
  • %q: request. You may optinally specified a dot-delimited fieldwithin the JSON structure, as in, %q{command_args.documents}.
  • %r: response. You may optinally specified a dot-delimited fieldwithin the JSON structure, as in, %q{command_args.documents}.
  • %Q{<arg>}: display <arg> on presence of request data
  • %R{<arg>}: display <arg> on presence of response dataIn addition, —format supports the following start/end ANSI escape sequences:

  • %B/%b: bold

  • %U/%u: underline
  • %S/%s: standout
  • %F/%f: text color (required arg – word or number, 8-color)
  • %K/%k: background color (required arg – same as %F/%f)
  • -f <path>
  • Specifies the path to a pcap file that monitor should read toproduce a playback file.

Use -f as an alternative to capturing network traffic using-i. You must specify either -f or -i. If you includeboth options, mongoreplay monitor produces an error.

  • -b <number>
  • Size of heap used to merge separate streams together.
  • —expr <filter expression>, -e <filter expression>
  • An expression in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax to apply to incoming traffic torecord. Required if you are capturing traffic from a network interface using-i.

For example, to capture traffic from a MongoDB instance running onport 27017, you would specify -e 'port 27017'.

  • -i <interface>
  • Specifies the network interface that monitor should listen on tocapture network traffic.

Use with -e.

Use -i as an alternative to reading an existing pcap file with-i. You must specify either -f or -i. If you includeboth options, mongoreplay monitor produces an error.

  • —paired
  • When specified, monitor outputs one line for each request/reply pair record.
  • —gzip <boolean>
  • If specified, monitor decompresses the playback file with gzip.
  • —playback-file <path>, -p <path>
  • Specifies the path from which to read the playback file.


Use monitor for examples of usingmongoreplay with the monitor command.

mongoreplay Report Format

monitor and play can producereports based on a playback file when run with the —report option.

Sample Record

The following is an example record from a JSON-formattedmonitor report:

  1. {
  2. "order" : 21,
  3. "op" : "op_msg",
  4. "command" : "aggregate",
  5. "ns" : "test",
  6. "request_data" : {
  7. "sections" : [
  8. {
  9. "payload" : {
  10. "$db" : "test",
  11. "aggregate" : "foo",
  12. "cursor" : {},
  13. "lsid" : {
  14. "id" : {
  15. "$binary" : "eBZNIaAbRTiAoWkaNZ0T8Q==",
  16. "$type" : "04"
  17. }
  18. },
  19. "pipeline" : [
  20. { "$match" : { "borough" : "Queens" } },
  21. { "$group" : { "_id" : "$cuisine", "count" : { "$sum": 1 } } }
  22. ]
  23. },
  24. "payloadType" : 0
  25. }
  26. ]
  27. },
  28. "connection_num" : 0,
  29. "seen" : "2018-11-15T14:07:07.136794-05:00",
  30. "request_id" : 25
  31. }


mongoreplay reports can include the following fields:

  • order
  • A monotonically increasing key indicating the order in which theoperations were recorded and played back. This can be used toreconstruct the ordering of the series of operations executed on aconnection, since the order in which they appear in the report filemay not match the playback order.
  • op
  • The type of operation represented by the request: i.e. “query”,“insert”, “command”, “getmore”.
  • command
  • The name of the database command performed, such as isMaster orgetLastError. This field is left blank for operations that are notcommands, such as queries and inserts.
  • ns
  • The namespace on which the request was executed.
  • request_data
  • The payload of the operation.

    • Query operations: request_data contains the actualquery that was issued.
    • Insert operations: request_data contains the documentsbeing inserted.
    • Update operations: request_data contains the queryselector and the update modifier.
  • reply_data
  • The payload of the reply to the request.
  • nreturned
  • The number of documents returned as a result of the operation.
  • played_at
  • The time at which the play command executedthe operation.
  • play_at
  • The time at which the operation was supposed to be executed bythe play command.
  • playbacklag_us
  • The difference in microseconds in time between played_atand play_at. Higher values generally indicate that thetarget server is not able to keep up with the rate at which requestsneed to be executed according to the playback file.
  • connection_num
  • A key that identifies the connection on which the request wasexecuted. All requests/replies that executed on the same connectionhave the same value for connection_num.

The connectionnum valuedoes _not match the connection ID logged on the server side.

  • latency_us
  • The time difference in microseconds between when the request wassent by the client and when a response from the server was received.
  • errors
  • Lists any errors returned from the server.
  • msg
  • Lists the error message returned from the server.
  • seen
  • The time at which the operation was originally captured.
  • request_id
  • The ID of the MongoDB operation. The request_id for a requestoperation is the same as the response_id for the correspondingreply.

Output Formatting with —format

monitor and play output to either theterminal or, when run with —report (i.e. monitor —report or play —report), to a file.

Use the —collect (monitor —collect or play —collect)option to specify the format of the output:

  • —collect json produces JSON output,
  • —collect format outputs the data based on the formattingspecified by the —format option for monitor and play .


Use record

Capture TCP data with record

To create a recording of traffic, use the record command. Thefollowing operation records traffic through port 27017 on theeth0 network interface and writes the captured traffic to~/recordings/recording.bson:

  1. mongoreplay record -i eth0 -e "port 27017" -p ~/recordings/recording.bson

The produced playback file contains everything needed to re-executethe workload on another system.

Record a Playback File from Existing pcap Data

If you do not wish to use mongoreplay to capture traffic, youcan capture traffic using a utility such as tcpdump and then create amongoreplay recording from the static pcap file.


Only use root privileges when connecting to a trusted source.

The following operation uses tcpdump to capture traffic throughport 27017 on the eth0 network interface and writes the captureddata to a pcap file called traffic.pcap:

  1. sudo tcpdump -B $((100*1024)) -i eth0 -n "port 27017" -w traffic.pcap

To create the mongoreplay playback file, you can userecord with the -foption to specify the pcap file from which to create the playback file,as in the following:

  1. mongoreplay record -f traffic.pcap -p ~/recordings/playback.bson

The produced playback file contains everything needed to re-executethe workload on another system.

Use play

Execute a Playback File Against a Target Host

play takes a playback file and executes therecorded operations against the mongodb:// host.Since the mongod enforces authentication, theconnection string specified to—host also includes the username, password, and authenticationdatabase so that mongoreplay can write to the database.

  1. mongoreplay play -p ~/recordings/recording.bson --host mongodb://

By default, executes the playbackfile at the rate of the recording. —speed lets you modifythe playback speed. For example, the following operation executesthe operations in recording.bson at twice the recording speed:

  1. mongoreplay play -p ~/recordings/recording.bson --speed=2.0 --host mongodb://

Log Metrics About Execution Performance during Playback

play can produce a report with detailed metricsabout the performance of each operation executed during playback.

The following example executes playback against themongodb:// host and produces a JSON report written to~/reports/playback-report.json

  1. mongoreplay play -p ~/recordings/recording.bson --report ~/reports/playback-report.json --collect json --host mongodb://

The play report contents would resemble:

  1. {
  2. "order" : 0,
  3. "op" : "op_msg",
  4. "command" : "isMaster",
  5. "ns" : "test",
  6. "request_data" : {
  7. "sections" : [
  8. {
  9. "payload" : {
  10. "$db" : "test",
  11. "forShell" : 1,
  12. "isMaster" : 1
  13. },
  14. "payloadType" : 0
  15. }
  16. ]
  17. },
  18. "reply_data" : {
  19. "sections" : [
  20. {
  21. "payload" : {
  22. "ismaster" : true,
  23. "localTime" : {
  24. "$date" : "2018-11-15T21:35:01.843Z"
  25. },
  26. "logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" : 30,
  27. "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,
  28. "maxMessageSizeBytes" : 48000000,
  29. "maxWireVersion" : 7,
  30. "maxWriteBatchSize" : 100000,
  31. "minWireVersion" : 0,
  32. "ok" : 1,
  33. "readOnly" : false
  34. },
  35. "payloadType" : 0
  36. }
  37. ]
  38. },
  39. "played_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:01.84304-05:00",
  40. "play_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:01.842903-05:00",
  41. "playbacklag_us" : 137,
  42. "connection_num" : 1,
  43. "latency_us" : 151,
  44. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:33.379675Z",
  45. "request_id" : 21
  46. }
  47. {
  48. "order" : 2,
  49. "op" : "op_msg",
  50. "command" : "listCollections",
  51. "ns" : "test",
  52. "request_data" : {
  53. "sections" : [
  54. {
  55. "payload" : {
  56. "$db" : "test",
  57. "authorizedCollections" : true,
  58. "filter" : {
  60. },
  61. "listCollections" : 1,
  62. "lsid" : {
  63. "id" : {
  64. "$binary" : "esmcqhiXSIWSpKGb4sOekw==",
  65. "$type" : "04"
  66. }
  67. },
  68. "nameOnly" : true
  69. },
  70. "payloadType" : 0
  71. }
  72. ]
  73. },
  74. "reply_data" : {
  75. "sections" : [
  76. {
  77. "payload" : {
  78. "cursor" : {
  79. "firstBatch" : [ ],
  80. "id" : {
  81. "$numberLong" : "0"
  82. },
  83. "ns" : "test.$cmd.listCollections"
  84. },
  85. "ok" : 1
  86. },
  87. "payloadType" : 0
  88. }
  89. ]
  90. },
  91. "played_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:08.715002-05:00",
  92. "play_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:08.713539-05:00",
  93. "playbacklag_us" : 1463,
  94. "connection_num" : 1,
  95. "latency_us" : 331,
  96. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:40.250311Z",
  97. "request_id" : 22
  98. }
  99. {
  100. "order" : 4,
  101. "op" : "op_msg",
  102. "command" : "isMaster",
  103. "ns" : "test",
  104. "request_data" : {
  105. "sections" : [
  106. {
  107. "payload" : {
  108. "$db" : "test",
  109. "forShell" : 1,
  110. "isMaster" : 1
  111. },
  112. "payloadType" : 0
  113. }
  114. ]
  115. },
  116. "reply_data" : {
  117. "sections" : [
  118. {
  119. "payload" : {
  120. "ismaster" : true,
  121. "localTime" : {
  122. "$date" : "2018-11-15T21:35:08.715Z"
  123. },
  124. "logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" : 30,
  125. "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,
  126. "maxMessageSizeBytes" : 48000000,
  127. "maxWireVersion" : 7,
  128. "maxWriteBatchSize" : 100000,
  129. "minWireVersion" : 0,
  130. "ok" : 1,
  131. "readOnly" : false
  132. },
  133. "payloadType" : 0
  134. }
  135. ]
  136. },
  137. "played_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:08.715554-05:00",
  138. "play_at" : "2018-11-15T16:35:08.71471-05:00",
  139. "playbacklag_us" : 844,
  140. "connection_num" : 1,
  141. "latency_us" : 208,
  142. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:40.251482Z",
  143. "request_id" : 23
  144. }

Refer to mongoreplay Report Format for a description of each field.

Use monitor

Inspect Recorded Operations

monitor can create a report based on thecontents of a playback file. monitor’s report includesall operations and some metadata about each operation’s execution.

The following operation uses monitor to create a JSONreport based on the contents of the recording.bson playback filelocated in the ~/recordings directory and write the report to~/reports/monitoring-report.json:

  1. mongoreplay monitor -p ~/recordings/recording.bson --report ~/reports/monitoring-report.json --collect json

The report contents would resemble:

  1. {
  2. "order" : 0,
  3. "op" : "op_msg",
  4. "command" : "isMaster",
  5. "ns" : "test",
  6. "request_data" : {
  7. "sections" : [
  8. {
  9. "payload" : {
  10. "$db" : "test",
  11. "forShell" : 1,
  12. "isMaster" : 1
  13. },
  14. "payloadType" : 0
  15. }
  16. ]
  17. },
  18. "connection_num" : 0,
  19. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:33.379675Z",
  20. "request_id" : 21
  21. }
  22. {
  23. "order" : 1,
  24. "op" : "op_msg",
  25. "command" : "aggregate",
  26. "ns" : "test",
  27. "request_data" : {
  28. "sections" : [
  29. {
  30. "payload" : {
  31. "$db" : "test",
  32. "aggregate" : "restaurants",
  33. "cursor" : {
  35. },
  36. "lsid" : {
  37. "id" : {
  38. "$binary" : "esmcqhiXSIWSpKGb4sOekw==",
  39. "$type" : "04"
  40. }
  41. },
  42. "pipeline" : [
  43. {
  44. "$match" : {
  45. "borough" : "Manhattan"
  46. }
  47. },
  48. {
  49. "$group" : {
  50. "_id" : "$cuisine"
  51. }
  52. }
  53. ]
  54. },
  55. "payloadType" : 0
  56. }
  57. ]
  58. },
  59. "connection_num" : 0,
  60. "seen" : "2018-11-15T16:28:52.870007-05:00",
  61. "request_id" : 13
  62. }
  63. {
  64. "order" : 1,
  65. "op" : "op_msg",
  66. "command" : "reply",
  67. "reply_data" : {
  68. "sections" : [
  69. {
  70. "payload" : {
  71. "ismaster" : true,
  72. "localTime" : {
  73. "$date" : "2018-11-15T21:30:33.379Z"
  74. },
  75. "logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" : 30,
  76. "maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,
  77. "maxMessageSizeBytes" : 48000000,
  78. "maxWireVersion" : 7,
  79. "maxWriteBatchSize" : 100000,
  80. "minWireVersion" : 0,
  81. "ok" : 1,
  82. "readOnly" : false
  83. },
  84. "payloadType" : 0
  85. }
  86. ]
  87. },
  88. "connection_num" : 0,
  89. "latency_us" : 174,
  90. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:33.379849Z",
  91. "request_id" : 21
  92. }
  93. {
  94. "order" : 2,
  95. "op" : "op_msg",
  96. "command" : "listCollections",
  97. "ns" : "test",
  98. "request_data" : {
  99. "sections" : [
  100. {
  101. "payload" : {
  102. "$db" : "test",
  103. "authorizedCollections" : true,
  104. "filter" : {
  106. },
  107. "listCollections" : 1,
  108. "lsid" : {
  109. "id" : {
  110. "$binary" : "esmcqhiXSIWSpKGb4sOekw==",
  111. "$type" : "04"
  112. }
  113. },
  114. "nameOnly" : true
  115. },
  116. "payloadType" : 0
  117. }
  118. ]
  119. },
  120. "connection_num" : 0,
  121. "seen" : "2018-11-15T21:30:40.250311Z",
  122. "request_id" : 22
  123. }

Refer to mongoreplay Report Format for a description of each field.

Inspect Live MongoDB Traffic

monitor can also inspect live traffic and, optionally,create a report based on the observed operations.

To monitor traffic in real time in your terminal, omit the—report option, as in thefollowing:

  1. mongoreplay monitor -i eth0 -e 'port 27017' --collect json

Optionally, you can create a report based on the operations observedusing monitor. The following example creates a JSONreport written to ~/reports/monitor-live.json based on the trafficthrough port 27017 on the eth0 network interface:

  1. mongoreplay monitor -i eth0 -e 'port 27017' --report ~/reports/monitor-live.json --collect json