

  • getLastError

Changed in version 2.6: A new protocol for write operations integrates write concerns with thewrite operations, eliminating the need for a separate getLastError.Most write methods now returnthe status of the write operation, including error information.In previous versions, clients typically used the getLastError incombination with a write operation to verify that the writesucceeded.

Returns the error status of the preceding write operation on thecurrent connection.

getLastError uses the following prototype form:

  1. { getLastError: 1 }

getLastError uses the following fields:

FieldTypeDescriptionjbooleanIf true, wait for the next journal commit before returning, ratherthan waiting for a full disk flush. If mongod does not havejournaling enabled, this option has no effect. If this option isenabled for a write operation, mongod will wait _no more_than 1/3 of the current commitIntervalMs beforewriting data to the journal.winteger or stringWhen running with replication, this is the number of servers toreplicate to before returning. A w value of 1 indicates theprimary only. A w value of 2 includes the primary and at leastone secondary, etc. In place of a number, you may also set w tomajority to indicate that the command should wait until thelatest write propagates to a majority of the voting replica setmembers.

Changed in version 3.0: In previous versions, majority referred to the majority of allmembers of the replica set instead of the majority of the votingmembers.

If using w, you should also use wtimeout. Specifyinga value for w without also providing a wtimeout may causegetLastError to block indefinitely.wtimeoutintegerOptional. Milliseconds. Specify a value in milliseconds to control howlong to wait for write propagation to complete. If replication doesnot complete in the given timeframe, the getLastErrorcommand will return with an error status.

See also

Write Concern


Each getLastError() command returns a document containing asubset of the fields listed below.

  • getLastError.ok
  • ok is true when thegetLastError command completes successfully.


A value of true does not indicate that the precedingoperation did not produce an error.

  • getLastError.err
  • err is null unless an error occurs. Whenthere was an error with the preceding operation, err containsa string identifying the error.
  • getLastError.errmsg

New in version 2.6.

errmsg contains the description of the error.errmsg only appears if there was an error withthe preceding operation.

  • getLastError.code
  • code reports the preceding operation’s errorcode. For description of the error, see errand errmsg.
  • getLastError.connectionId
  • The identifier of the connection.
  • getLastError.lastOp
  • When issued against a replica set member and the precedingoperation was a write or update, lastOp is theoptime timestamp in the oplog of the change.
  • getLastError.n
  • If the preceding operation was an update or a remove operation, butnot a findAndModify operation,n reports the number of documents matched bythe update or remove operation.

For a remove operation, the number of matched documents will equalthe number removed.

For an update operation, if the operation results in nochange to the document, such as setting the value of the field toits current value, the number of matched documents may be smallerthan the number of documents actually modified. If the updateincludes the upsert:true option and results in the creation of anew document, n returns the number ofdocuments inserted.

n is 0 if reporting on an update or removethat occurs through a findAndModify operation.

  • getLastError.syncMillis
  • syncMillis is the number of milliseconds spentwaiting for the write to disk operation (e.g. write to journalfiles).
  • getLastError.shards
  • When issued against a sharded cluster after a write operation,shards identifies the shards targeted in thewrite operation. shards is present in theoutput only if the write operation targets multiple shards.
  • getLastError.singleShard
  • When issued against a sharded cluster after a write operation,identifies the shard targeted in the write operation.singleShard is only present if the writeoperation targets exactly one shard.
  • getLastError.updatedExisting
  • updatedExisting is true when an updateaffects at least one document and does not result in anupsert.
  • getLastError.upserted
  • If the update results in an insert, upsertedis the value of _id field of the document.

Changed in version 2.6: Earlier versions of MongoDB includedupserted only if _id was anObjectId.

  • getLastError.wnote
  • If set, wnote indicates that the preceding operation’s errorrelates to using the w parameter to getLastError.


Write Concern for more information aboutw values.

  • getLastError.waited
  • If the preceding operation specified a timeout using thewtimeout setting to getLastError, thenwaited reports the number of millisecondsgetLastError waited before timing out.
  • getLastError.wtime
  • getLastError.wtime is the number of milliseconds spentwaiting for the preceding operation to complete. IfgetLastError timed out, wtime andgetLastError.waited are equal.
  • getLastError.writtenTo
  • If writing to a replica set, writtenTo is anarray that contains the hostname and port number of the members thatconfirmed the previous write operation, based on the value of thew field in the command.


Confirm Replication to Two Replica Set Members

The following example ensures the preceding operation has replicated totwo members (the primary and one other member). The command alsospecifies a timeout of 5000 milliseconds to ensure thatthe:dbcommand:getLastError command does not block forever if MongoDBcannot satisfy the requested write concern:

  1. db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1, w: 2, wtimeout:5000 } )

Confirm Replication to a Majority of a Replica Set

The following example ensures the write operation has replicated to amajority of the voting members of the replica set. The command alsospecifies a timeout of 5000 milliseconds to ensure thatthe:dbcommand:getLastError command does not block forever if MongoDBcannot satisfy the requested write concern:

  1. db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1, w: "majority", wtimeout:5000 } )