

  • compact
  • Rewrites and defragments all data and indexes in a collection. OnWiredTiger databases, this command will releaseunneeded disk space to the operating system.

compact has the following form:

  1. { compact: <collection name> }

compact takes the following fields:

Starting in MongoDB 4.2

MongoDB removes the MMAPv1 storage engine and the MMAPv1 specificoptions paddingFactor, paddingBytes, preservePaddingfor compact.

FieldTypeDescriptioncompactstringThe name of the collection.forcebooleanOptional. If true, compact can run on theprimary in a replica set. If false,compact returns an error when run on aprimary, because the command blocks all other operations.

compact blocks operations only for the databaseit is compacting.


Always have an up-to-date backup before performing servermaintenance such as the compact operation.

compact Required Privileges

For clusters enforcing authentication,you must authenticate as a user with the compact privilegeaction on the target collection. The dbAdmin role providesthe required privileges for running compact againstnon-system collections.

For system collections, create acustom role that grants the compact action on the systemcollection. You can then grant that role to a new or existing user andauthenticate as that user to perform the compact command.For example, the following operations create a custom role that grantsthe compact action against specified database andcollection:

  1. use admin
  2. db.createRole(
  3. {
  4. role: "myCustomCompactRole",
  5. privileges: [
  6. {
  7. resource: { "db" : "<database>" , "collection" : "<collection>" },
  8. actions: [ "compact" ]
  9. }
  10. ],
  11. roles: []
  12. }
  13. )

For more information on configuring the resource document, seeResource Document.

To add the dbAdmin or the custom role to an existinguser, use db.grantRoleToUser or db.updateUser().The following operation grants the custom compact role to themyCompactUser on the admin database:

  1. use admin
  2. db.grantRoleToUser("myCompactUser", [ "dbAdmin" | "myCustomCompactRole" ] )

To add the dbAdmin or the custom role to a new user,specify the role to the roles array of thedb.createUser() method when creating the user.

  1. use admin
  2. db.createUser(
  3. {
  4. user: "myCompactUser",
  5. pwd: "myCompactUserPassword"
  6. roles: [
  7. { role: "dbAdmin", db: "<database>" } | "myCustomCompactRole"
  8. ]
  9. }
  10. )



compact only blocks operations for the database it is currentlyoperating on. Only use compact during scheduled maintenanceperiods.

You may view the intermediate progress either by viewing themongod log file or by running the db.currentOp()in another shell instance.

Operation Termination

If you terminate the operation with the db.killOp() method or restart the server before thecompact operation has finished, be aware of the following:

  • If you have journaling enabled, the data remains valid andusable, regardless of the state of the compact operation.You may have to manually rebuild the indexes.
  • If you do not have journaling enabled and the mongod orcompact terminates during the operation, it is impossibleto guarantee that the data is in a valid state.
  • In either case, much of the existing free space in the collection maybecome un-reusable. In this scenario, you should rerun the compactionto completion to restore the use of this free space.

Disk Space

To see how the storage space changes for the collection, run thecollStats command before and after compaction.

On WiredTiger, compact attempts toreduce the required storage space for data and indexes in a collection, releasingunneeded disk space to the operating system. The effectiveness of this operationis workload dependent and no disk space may be recovered. This command is usefulif you have removed a large amount of data from the collection, and do not planto replace it.

compact may require additional disk space to run on WiredTiger databases.

Replica Sets

compact commands do not replicate to secondaries in areplica set.

  • Compact each member separately.
  • Ideally run compact on a secondary. See optionforce:true above for information regarding compacting the primary.
  • On secondaries, the compact command forces the secondary toenter RECOVERING state. Read operations issued to aninstance in the RECOVERING state will fail. Thisprevents clients from reading during the operation. When theoperation completes, the secondary returnsto SECONDARY state.
  • See Replica Set Member States for more information aboutreplica set member states.

See Perform Maintenance on Replica Set Members for anexample replica set maintenance procedure to maximize availabilityduring maintenance operations.

Sharded Clusters

compact only applies to mongod instances. In asharded environment, run compact on each shard separatelyas a maintenance operation.

You cannot issue compact against a mongos instance.

Capped Collections

On WiredTiger, the compactcommand will attempt to compact the collection.

Index Building

New in version 2.6.

mongod rebuilds all indexes in parallel following thecompact operation.