

  • SessionOptions()

New in version 3.6.

The options for a session in themongo shell. To access the SessionOptionsobject, use the Session.getOptions() method.

The session options available are:

OptionDescriptioncausalConsistencyBoolean. Enables or disables causal consistency for the session.

In the mongo shell, Mongo.startSession()enables causalConsistency by default. You can alsoexplicitly set the option when you runMongo.startSession().

You can view whether causalConsistency is enabled for thesession via the following method:

  • Session.getOptions().isCausalConsistency()readConcernDocument. Specifies the read concern.

In the mongo shell, you can set the option whenyou run Mongo.startSession(). You can also accessthe readConcern option via the following methods:

  • Session.getOptions().getReadConcern()
  • Session.getOptions().setReadConcern(<document>)readPreferenceDocument. Specifies the read preference.

In the mongo shell, you can set the optionwhen you run Mongo.startSession(). You can alsoaccess the readPreference option via the followingmethods:

  • Session.getOptions().getReadPreference()
  • Session.getOptions().setReadPreference({ mode: <string>, tags: <array>})retryWritesBoolean. Enables or disables the ability to retry writes uponencountering transient network errors, such as duringfailovers.

To enable retry writes, start the mongo shellwith the —retryWrites option.

You can view whether retryWrites is enabled for a sessionvia the following method:

  • Session.getOptions().shouldRetryWrites()writeConcernDocument. Specifies the write concern.

In the mongo shell, you can set the optionswhen you run Mongo.startSession(). You can alsoaccess the writeConcern option via the following methods:

  • Session.getOptions().getWriteConcern()
  • Session.getOptions().setWriteConcern(<document>)