




下面示例代码中的embedding层,其参数size包含两个元素,第一个元素为vocab_size (词表大小), 第二个为emb_sizeembedding层维度)。实际场景中,词表可能会非常大。示例代码中,词表大小被设置为10000000。如果在GPU模式下运行,该层创建的权重矩阵的大小为(10000000, 150),仅这一层就需要5.59G的显存,如果词表大小继续增加,极有可能会导致显存超出。

  1. import paddle.fluid as fluid
  2. data = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], value=128, dtype='int64')
  3. label = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 150], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  4. emb = fluid.embedding(input=data, size=(10000000, 150), dtype='float32')
  5. out = fluid.layers.l2_normalize(x=emb, axis=-1)
  6. cost = fluid.layers.square_error_cost(input=out, label=label)
  7. avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
  8. sgd_optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.001)
  9. sgd_optimizer.minimize(avg_cost)
  10. place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
  11. exe = fluid.Executor(place)
  12. exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
  13. result = exe.run(fluid.default_main_program(), fetch_list=[avg_cost])


  1. import paddle.fluid as fluid
  2. data = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1], value=128, dtype='int64')
  3. label = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 150], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  4. with fluid.device_guard("cpu"):
  5. emb = fluid.embedding(input=data, size=(10000000, 150), dtype='float32')
  6. out = fluid.layers.l2_normalize(x=emb, axis=-1)
  7. cost = fluid.layers.square_error_cost(input=out, label=label)
  8. avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(cost)
  9. sgd_optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.001)
  10. sgd_optimizer.minimize(avg_cost)
  11. place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
  12. exe = fluid.Executor(place)
  13. exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
  14. result = exe.run(fluid.default_main_program(), fetch_list=[avg_cost])





  1. import paddle.fluid as fluid
  2. import paddle.fluid.compiler as compiler
  3. import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
  4. data1 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 8, 8], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  5. data2 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 5, 5], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  6. shape = fluid.layers.shape(data2)
  7. shape = fluid.layers.slice(shape, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[4])
  8. out = fluid.layers.crop_tensor(data1, shape=shape)
  9. place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
  10. exe = fluid.Executor(place)
  11. exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
  12. compiled_prog = compiler.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program())
  13. with profiler.profiler('All', 'total') as prof:
  14. for i in range(10):
  15. result = exe.run(program=compiled_prog, fetch_list=[out])

在程序运行结束后,将会自动地打印出profile report。在下面的profile report中,可以看到 GpuMemCpy Summary中给出了2项数据传输的调用耗时。在OP执行过程中,如果输入Tensor所在的设备与OP执行的设备不同,就会发生GpuMemcpySync,通常我们可以直接优化的就是这一项。进一步分析,可以看到slicecrop_tensor执行中都发生了GpuMemcpySync。尽管我们在程序中设置了GPU模式运行,但是框架中有些OP,例如shape,会将输出结果放在CPU上。

  1. -------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
  2. Note! This Report merge all thread info into one.
  3. Place: All
  4. Time unit: ms
  5. Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
  6. Total time: 26.6328
  7. Computation time Total: 13.3133 Ratio: 49.9884%
  8. Framework overhead Total: 13.3195 Ratio: 50.0116%
  9. ------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
  10. GpuMemcpy Calls: 30 Total: 1.47508 Ratio: 5.5386%
  11. GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 10 Total: 0.443514 Ratio: 1.66529%
  12. GpuMemcpySync Calls: 20 Total: 1.03157 Ratio: 3.87331%
  13. ------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
  14. Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
  15. FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 10 9.16493 9.152509 (0.998645) 0.012417 (0.001355) 0.025192 8.85968 0.916493 0.344122
  16. shape 10 8.33057 8.330568 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.030711 7.99849 0.833057 0.312793
  17. fill_constant 20 4.06097 4.024522 (0.991025) 0.036449 (0.008975) 0.075087 0.888959 0.203049 0.15248
  18. slice 10 1.78033 1.750439 (0.983212) 0.029888 (0.016788) 0.148503 0.290851 0.178033 0.0668471
  19. GpuMemcpySync:CPU->GPU 10 0.45524 0.446312 (0.980388) 0.008928 (0.019612) 0.039089 0.060694 0.045524 0.0170932
  20. crop_tensor 10 1.67658 1.620542 (0.966578) 0.056034 (0.033422) 0.143906 0.258776 0.167658 0.0629515
  21. GpuMemcpySync:GPU->CPU 10 0.57633 0.552906 (0.959357) 0.023424 (0.040643) 0.050657 0.076322 0.057633 0.0216398
  22. Fetch 10 0.919361 0.895201 (0.973721) 0.024160 (0.026279) 0.082935 0.138122 0.0919361 0.0345199
  23. GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 10 0.443514 0.419354 (0.945526) 0.024160 (0.054474) 0.040639 0.059673 0.0443514 0.0166529
  24. ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 10 0.341999 0.341999 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.028436 0.057134 0.0341999 0.0128413
  25. eager_deletion 30 0.287236 0.287236 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.005452 0.022696 0.00957453 0.010785
  26. ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 10 0.047864 0.047864 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003668 0.011592 0.0047864 0.00179718
  27. InitLocalVars 1 0.022981 0.022981 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.022981 0.022981 0.022981 0.000862883


以上的示例程序比较简单,我们只用看profile report就能知道具体是哪些算子发生了数据传输。但是当模型比较复杂时,可能需要去查看更加详细的调试信息,可以打印出运行时的log去确定发生数据传输的具体位置。依然以上述程序为例,执行GLOG_vmodule=operator=3 python test_case.py,会得到如下log信息,会发现发生了2次数据传输:

  • shape输出的结果在CPU上,在slice运行时,shape的输出被拷贝到GPU上
  • slice执行完的结果在GPU上,当crop_tensor执行时,它会被拷贝到CPU上。
  1. I0406 14:56:23.286592 17516 operator.cc:180] CUDAPlace(0) Op(shape), inputs:{Input[fill_constant_1.tmp_0:float[1, 3, 5, 5]({})]}, outputs:{Out[shape_0.tmp_0:int[4]({})]}.
  2. I0406 14:56:23.286628 17516 eager_deletion_op_handle.cc:107] Erase variable fill_constant_1.tmp_0 on CUDAPlace(0)
  3. I0406 14:56:23.286725 17516 operator.cc:1210] Transform Variable shape_0.tmp_0 from data_type[int]:data_layout[NCHW]:place[CPUPlace]:library_type[PLAIN] to data_type[int]:data_layout[ANY_LAYOUT]:place[CUDAPlace(0)]:library_type[PLAIN]
  4. I0406 14:56:23.286763 17516 scope.cc:169] Create variable shape_0.tmp_0
  5. I0406 14:56:23.286784 17516 data_device_transform.cc:21] DeviceTransform in, src_place CPUPlace dst_place: CUDAPlace(0)
  6. I0406 14:56:23.286867 17516 tensor_util.cu:129] TensorCopySync 4 from CPUPlace to CUDAPlace(0)
  7. I0406 14:56:23.287099 17516 operator.cc:180] CUDAPlace(0) Op(slice), inputs:{EndsTensor[], EndsTensorList[], Input[shape_0.tmp_0:int[4]({})], StartsTensor[], StartsTensorList[]}, outputs:{Out[slice_0.tmp_0:int[4]({})]}.
  8. I0406 14:56:23.287140 17516 eager_deletion_op_handle.cc:107] Erase variable shape_0.tmp_0 on CUDAPlace(0)
  9. I0406 14:56:23.287220 17516 tensor_util.cu:129] TensorCopySync 4 from CUDAPlace(0) to CPUPlace
  10. I0406 14:56:23.287473 17516 operator.cc:180] CUDAPlace(0) Op(crop_tensor), inputs:{Offsets[], OffsetsTensor[], Shape[slice_0.tmp_0:int[4]({})], ShapeTensor[], X[fill_constant_0.tmp_0:float[1, 3, 8, 8]({})]}, outputs:{Out[crop_tensor_0.tmp_0:float[1, 3, 5, 5]({})]}.



  1. import paddle.fluid as fluid
  2. import paddle.fluid.compiler as compiler
  3. import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
  4. data1 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 8, 8], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  5. data2 = fluid.layers.fill_constant(shape=[1, 3, 5, 5], value=0.5, dtype='float32')
  6. shape = fluid.layers.shape(data2)
  7. with fluid.device_guard("cpu"):
  8. shape = fluid.layers.slice(shape, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[4])
  9. out = fluid.layers.crop_tensor(data1, shape=shape)
  10. place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
  11. exe = fluid.Executor(place)
  12. exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
  13. compiled_prog = compiler.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program())
  14. with profiler.profiler('All', 'total') as prof:
  15. for i in range(10):
  16. result = exe.run(program=compiled_prog, fetch_list=[out])

再次观察profile report中GpuMemCpy Summary的内容,可以看到GpuMemCpySync已经被消除。在实际的模型中,若GpuMemCpySync 调用耗时占比较大,并且可以通过设置device_guard避免,那么就能够带来一定的性能提升。

  1. -------------------------> Profiling Report <-------------------------
  2. Note! This Report merge all thread info into one.
  3. Place: All
  4. Time unit: ms
  5. Sorted by total time in descending order in the same thread
  6. Total time: 14.5345
  7. Computation time Total: 4.47587 Ratio: 30.7948%
  8. Framework overhead Total: 10.0586 Ratio: 69.2052%
  9. ------------------------- GpuMemCpy Summary -------------------------
  10. GpuMemcpy Calls: 10 Total: 0.457033 Ratio: 3.14447%
  11. GpuMemcpyAsync Calls: 10 Total: 0.457033 Ratio: 3.14447%
  12. ------------------------- Event Summary -------------------------
  13. Event Calls Total CPU Time (Ratio) GPU Time (Ratio) Min. Max. Ave. Ratio.
  14. FastThreadedSSAGraphExecutorPrepare 10 7.70113 7.689066 (0.998433) 0.012064 (0.001567) 0.032657 7.39363 0.770113 0.529852
  15. fill_constant 20 2.62299 2.587022 (0.986287) 0.035968 (0.013713) 0.071097 0.342082 0.13115 0.180466
  16. shape 10 1.93504 1.935040 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.026774 1.6016 0.193504 0.133134
  17. Fetch 10 0.880496 0.858512 (0.975032) 0.021984 (0.024968) 0.07392 0.140896 0.0880496 0.0605797
  18. GpuMemcpyAsync:GPU->CPU 10 0.457033 0.435049 (0.951898) 0.021984 (0.048102) 0.037836 0.071424 0.0457033 0.0314447
  19. crop_tensor 10 0.705426 0.671506 (0.951916) 0.033920 (0.048084) 0.05841 0.123901 0.0705426 0.0485346
  20. slice 10 0.324241 0.324241 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.024299 0.07213 0.0324241 0.0223084
  21. eager_deletion 30 0.250524 0.250524 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.004171 0.016235 0.0083508 0.0172365
  22. ScopeBufferedMonitor::post_local_exec_scopes_process 10 0.047794 0.047794 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.003344 0.014131 0.0047794 0.00328831
  23. InitLocalVars 1 0.034629 0.034629 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.034629 0.034629 0.034629 0.00238254
  24. ScopeBufferedMonitor::pre_local_exec_scopes_process 10 0.032231 0.032231 (1.000000) 0.000000 (0.000000) 0.002952 0.004076 0.0032231 0.00221755


  • 使用profile工具对模型进行分析,看是否存在GpuMemcpySync的调用耗时。若存在,则进一步分析发生数据传输的原因。
  • 可以通过profile report找到发生GpuMemcpySync的OP。如果需要,可以通过打印log,找到GpuMemcpySync发生的具体位置。
  • 尝试使用device_guard设置部分OP的运行设备,来减少GpuMemcpySync的调用。
  • 最后可以通过比较修改前后模型的profile report,或者其他用来衡量性能的指标,确认修改后是否带来了性能提升。