10.1 Why exceptions add complexity 为什么异常会增加复杂性

I use the term exception to refer to any uncommon condition that alters the normal flow of control in a program. Many programming languages include a formal exception mechanism that allows exceptions to be thrown by lower-level code and caught by enclosing code. However, exceptions can occur even without using a formal exception reporting mechanism, such as when a method returns a special value indicating that it didn’t complete its normal behavior. All of these forms of exceptions contribute to complexity.


A particular piece of code may encounter exceptions in several different ways:


  • A caller may provide bad arguments or configuration information.
  • An invoked method may not be able to complete a requested operation. For example, an I/O operation may fail, or a required resource may not be available.
  • In a distributed system, network packets may be lost or delayed, servers may not respond in a timely fashion, or peers may communicate in unexpected ways.
  • The code may detect bugs, internal inconsistencies, or situations it is not prepared to handle.

  • 调用方可能会提供错误的参数或配置信息。
  • 调用的方法可能无法完成请求的操作。例如,I/O 操作可能失败,或者所需的资源可能不可用。
  • 在分布式系统中,网络数据包可能会丢失或延迟,服务器可能无法及时响应,或者对等方可能会以意想不到的方式进行通信。
  • 该代码可能会检测到错误,内部不一致或未准备处理的情况。

Large systems have to deal with many exceptional conditions, particularly if they are distributed or need to be fault-tolerant. Exception handling can account for a significant fraction of all the code in a system.


Exception handling code is inherently more difficult to write than normal-case code. An exception disrupts the normal flow of the code; it usually means that something didn’t work as expected. When an exception occurs, the programmer can deal with it in two ways, each of which can be complicated. The first approach is to move forward and complete the work in progress in spite of the exception. For example, if a network packet is lost, it can be resent; if data is corrupted, perhaps it can be recovered from a redundant copy. The second approach is to abort the operation in progress and report the exception upwards. However, aborting can be complicated because the exception may have occurred at a point where system state is inconsistent (a data structure might have been partially initialized); the exception handling code must restore consistency, such as by unwinding any changes made before the exception occurred.


Furthermore, exception handling code creates opportunities for more exceptions. Consider the case of resending a lost network packet. Perhaps the packet wasn’t actually lost, but was simply delayed. In this case, resending the packet will result in duplicate packets arriving at the peer; this introduces a new exceptional condition that the peer must handle. Or, consider the case of recovering lost data from a redundant copy: what if the redundant copy has also been lost? Secondary exceptions occurring during recovery are often more subtle and complex than the primary exceptions. If an exception is handled by aborting the operation in progress, then this must be reported to the caller as another exception. To prevent an unending cascade of exceptions, the developer must eventually find a way to handle exceptions without introducing more exceptions.


Language support for exceptions tends to be verbose and clunky, which makes exception handling code hard to read. For example, consider the following code, which reads a collection of tweets from a file using Java’s support for object serialization and deserialization:

语言对异常的支持往往是冗长而笨拙的,这使得异常处理代码难以阅读。例如,考虑以下代码,该代码使用 Java 对对象序列化和反序列化的支持从文件中读取 tweet 的集合:

  1. try (
  2. FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
  3. BufferedInputStream bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(fileStream);
  4. ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(bufferedStream);
  5. ) {
  6. for (int i = 0; i < tweetsPerFile; i++) {
  7. tweets.add((Tweet) objectStream.readObject());
  8. }
  9. }
  10. catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  11. ...
  12. }
  13. catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  14. ...
  15. }
  16. catch (EOFException e) {
  17. // Not a problem: not all tweet files have full
  18. // set of tweets.
  19. }
  20. catch (IOException e) {
  21. ...
  22. }
  23. catch (ClassCastException e) {
  24. ...
  25. }

Just the basic try-catch boilerplate accounts for more lines of code than the code for normal-case operation, without even considering the code that actually handles the exceptions. It is hard to relate the exception handling code to the normal-case code: for example, it’s not obvious where each exception is generated. An alternative approach is to break up the code into many distinct try blocks; in the extreme case there could be a try for each line of code that can generate an exception. This would make it clear where exceptions occur, but the try blocks themselves break up the flow of the code and make it harder to read; in addition, some exception handling code might end up duplicated in multiple try blocks.

只是基本的 try-catch 样板代码比正常情况下的操作代码所占的代码行更多,甚至没有考虑实际处理异常的代码。很难将异常处理代码与普通情况代码相关联:例如,每个异常的生成位置都不明显。另一种方法是将代码分解为许多不同的 try 块。在极端情况下,可能会尝试尝试每行可能产生异常的代码。这样可以清楚地说明异常发生的位置,但是 try 块本身会破坏代码流,并使代码难以阅读。此外,某些异常处理代码可能最终会在多个 try 块中重复。

It’s difficult to ensure that exception handling code really works. Some exceptions, such as I/O errors, can’t easily be generated in a test environment, so it’s hard to test the code that handles them. Exceptions don’t occur very often in running systems, so exception handling code rarely executes. Bugs can go undetected for a long time, and when the exception handling code is finally needed, there’s a good chance that it won’t work (one of my favorite sayings: “code that hasn’t been executed doesn’t work”). A recent study found that more than 90% of catastrophic failures in distributed data-intensive systems were caused by incorrect error handling1. When exception handling code fails, it’s difficult to debug the problem, since it occurs so infrequently.

确保异常处理代码真正起作用是困难的。某些异常(例如 I/O 错误)在测试环境中不易生成,因此很难测试处理它们的代码。异常在运行的系统中很少发生,因此异常处理代码很少执行。错误可能会长时间未被发现,并且当最终需要异常处理代码时,它很有可能无法正常工作(我最喜欢的一句话是:“未执行的代码无效”) 。最近的一项研究发现,分布式数据密集型系统中超过 90%的灾难性故障是由错误的错误处理引起的 1。当异常处理代码失败时,很难调试该问题,因为它很少发生。