10.8 Just crash? 崩溃了吗?

The fourth technique for reducing complexity related to exception handling is to crash the application. In most applications there will be certain errors that it’s not worth trying to handle. Typically, these errors are difficult or impossible to handle and don’t occur very often. The simplest thing to do in response to these errors is to print diagnostic information and then abort the application.


One example is “out of memory” errors that occur during storage allocation. Consider the malloc function in C, which returns NULL if it cannot allocate the desired block of memory. This is an unfortunate behavior, because it assumes that every single caller of malloc will check the return value and take appropriate action if there is no memory. Applications contain numerous calls to malloc, so checking the result after each call would add significant complexity. If a programmer forgets the check (which is fairly likely), then the application will dereference a null pointer if memory runs out, resulting in a crash that camouflages the real problem.

一个示例是在存储分配期间发生的“内存不足”错误。考虑一下 C 语言中的 malloc 函数,如果它无法分配所需的内存块,则该函数将返回 NULL。这是一个不幸的行为,因为它假定 malloc 的每个调用者都将检查返回值并在没有内存的情况下采取适当的措施。应用程序包含许多对 malloc 的调用,因此在每次调用后检查结果将增加相当大的复杂性。如果程序员忘记了检查(这很有可能),那么如果内存用完,应用程序将取消引用空指针,从而导致崩溃,从而掩盖了实际问题。

Furthermore, there isn’t much an application can do when it discovers that memory is exhausted. In principle the application could look for unneeded memory to free, but if the application had unneeded memory it could already have freed it, which would have prevented the out-of-memory error in the first place. Today’s systems have so much memory that memory almost never runs out; if it does, it usually indicates a bug in the application. Thus, it rarely make sense to try to handle out-of-memory errors; this creates too much complexity for too little benefit.


A better approach is to define a new method ckalloc, which calls malloc, checks the result, and aborts the application with an error message if memory is exhausted. The application never invokes malloc directly; it always invokes ckalloc.

更好的方法是定义一个新的 ckalloc 方法,该方法调用 malloc,检查结果,并在内存耗尽时通过错误消息中止应用程序。该应用程序从不直接调用 malloc。它总是调用 ckalloc。

In newer languages such as C++ and Java, the new operator throws an exception if memory is exhausted. There’s not much point in catching this exception, since there’s a good chance that the exception handler will also try to allocate memory, which will also fail. Dynamically allocated memory is such a fundamental element of any modern application that it doesn’t make sense for the application to continue if memory is exhausted; it’s better to crash as soon as the error is detected.

在较新的语言(例如 C ++和 Java)中,如果内存耗尽,则 new 运算符将引发异常。捕获此异常没有什么意义,因为异常处理程序很有可能还会尝试分配内存,这也会失败。动态分配的内存是任何现代应用程序中的基本元素,如果内存耗尽,则继续应用程序是没有意义的。最好在检测到错误后立即崩溃。

There are many other examples of errors where crashing the application makes sense. For most programs, if an I/O error occurs while reading or writing an open file (such as a disk hard error), or if a network socket cannot be opened, there’s not much the application can do to recover, so aborting with a clear error message is a sensible approach. These errors are infrequent, so they are unlikely to affect the overall usability of the application. Aborting with an error message is also appropriate if an application encounters an internal error such as an inconsistent data structure. Conditions like this probably indicate bugs in the program.

还有许多其他错误示例,这些错误会使应用程序崩溃很有意义。对于大多数程序,如果在读取或写入打开的文件时发生 I/O 错误(例如磁盘硬错误),或者无法打开网络套接字,则应用程序无济于事,因此中止了操作。清除错误消息是一种明智的方法。这些错误很少发生,因此它们不太可能影响应用程序的整体可用性。如果应用程序遇到内部错误(如数据结构不一致),则错误消息中止也是合适的。这样的条件可能表明程序中存在错误。

Whether or not it is acceptable to crash on a particular error depends on the application. For a replicated storage system, it isn’t appropriate to abort on an I/O error. Instead, the system must use replicated data to recover any information that was lost. The recovery mechanisms will add considerable complexity to the program, but recovering lost data is an essential part of the value the system provides to its users.

在特定错误上崩溃是否可以接受取决于应用程序。对于复制的存储系统,不适合因 I/O 错误而中止。相反,系统必须使用复制的数据来恢复丢失的任何信息。恢复机制将给程序增加相当大的复杂性,但是恢复丢失的数据是系统为用户提供的价值的重要组成部分。