10.5 Example: Java substring method 示例:Java 子字符串方法

As a final example, consider the Java String class and its substring method. Given two indexes into a string, substring returns the substring starting at the character given by the first index and ending with the character just before the second index. However, if either index is outside the range of the string, then substring throws IndexOutOfBoundsException. This exception is unnecessary and complicates the use of this method. I often find myself in a situation where one or both of the indices may be outside the range of the string, and I would like to extract all of the characters in the string that overlap the specified range. Unfortunately, this requires me to check each of the indices and round them up to zero or down to the end of the string; a one-line method call now becomes 5–10 lines of code.

作为最后一个示例,请考虑 Java String 类及其子字符串方法。给定一个字符串中的两个索引,substring 返回该子字符串,该字符串从第一个索引给定的字符开始,以第二个索引之前的字符结束。但是,如果两个索引中的任何一个都超出字符串的范围,则子字符串将引发 IndexOutOfBoundsException。此异常是不必要的,并且会使此方法的使用复杂化。我经常发现自己处于一个或两个索引可能不在字符串范围内的情况,并且我想提取字符串中与指定范围重叠的所有字符。不幸的是,这要求我检查每个索引并将它们向上舍入为零或向下舍入到字符串的末尾。现在,单行方法调用变成 5-10 行代码。

The Java substring method would be easier to use if it performed this adjustment automatically, so that it implemented the following API: “returns the characters of the string (if any) with index greater than or equal to beginIndex and less than endIndex.” This is a simple and natural API, and it defines the IndexOutOfBoundsException exception out of existence. The method’s behavior is now well-defined even if one or both of the indexes are negative, or if beginIndex is greater than endIndex. This approach simplifies the API for the method while increasing its functionality, so it makes the method deeper. Many other languages have taken the error-free approach; for example, Python returns an empty result for out-of-range list slices.

如果 Java 子字符串方法自动执行此调整,则将更易于使用,因此它实现了以下 API:“返回索引大于或等于 beginIndex 且小于 endIndex 的字符串的字符(如果有)。” 这是一个简单自然的 API,它定义了 IndexOutOfBoundsException 异常。现在,即使一个或两个索引均为负,或者 beginIndex 大于 endIndex,该方法的行为也已明确定义。这种方法简化了方法的 API,同时增加了其功能,因此使方法更深。许多其他语言都采用了无错误的方法。例如,Python 对于超出范围的列表切片返回空结果。

When I argue for defining errors out of existence, people sometimes counter that throwing errors will catch bugs; if errors are defined out of existence, won’t that result in buggier software? Perhaps this is why the Java developers decided that substring should throw exceptions. The error-ful approach may catch some bugs, but it also increases complexity, which results in other bugs. In the error-ful approach, developers must write additional code to avoid or ignore the errors, and this increases the likelihood of bugs; or, they may forget to write the additional code, in which case unexpected errors may be thrown at runtime. In contrast, defining errors out of existence simplifies APIs and it reduces the amount of code that must be written.

当我主张定义错误而不再存在时,人们有时会反驳说抛出错误会捕获错误。如果错误定义不存在,那会不会导致 Buggier 软件出现?也许这就是 Java 开发人员决定子字符串应引发异常的原因。错误的方法可能会捕获一些错误,但也会增加复杂性,从而导致其他错误。在错误有效的方法中,开发人员必须编写额外的代码来避免或忽略错误,这增加了发生错误的可能性。或者,他们可能会忘记编写其他代码,在这种情况下,运行时可能会引发意外错误。相反,定义错误而不存在将简化 API,并减少必须编写的代码量。

Overall, the best way to reduce bugs is to make software simpler.
