7.6 Conclusion 结论

Each piece of design infrastructure added to a system, such as an interface, argument, function, class, or definition, adds complexity, since developers must learn about this element. In order for an element to provide a net gain against complexity, it must eliminate some complexity that would be present in the absence of the design element. Otherwise, you are better off implementing the system without that particular element. For example, a class can reduce complexity by encapsulating functionality so that users of the class needn’t be aware of it.


The “different layer, different abstraction” rule is just an application of this idea: if different layers have the same abstraction, such as pass-through methods or decorators, then there’s a good chance that they haven’t provided enough benefit to compensate for the additional infrastructure they represent. Similarly, pass-through arguments require each of several methods to be aware of their existence (which adds to complexity) without contributing additional functionality.
