10.2 Too many exceptions 异常过多

Programmers exacerbate the problems related to exception handling by defining unnecessary exceptions. Most programmers are taught that it’s important to detect and report errors; they often interpret this to mean “the more errors detected, the better.” This leads to an over-defensive style where anything that looks even a bit suspicious is rejected with an exception, which results in a proliferation of unnecessary exceptions that increase the complexity of the system.


I made this mistake myself in the design of the Tcl scripting language. Tcl contains an unset command that can be used to remove a variable. I defined unset so that it throws an error if the variable doesn’t exist. At the time I thought that it must be a bug if someone tries to delete a variable that doesn’t exist, so Tcl should report it. However, one of the most common uses of unset is to clean up temporary state created by some previous operation. It’s often hard to predict exactly what state was created, particularly if the operation aborted partway through. Thus, the simplest thing is to delete all of the variables that might possibly have been created. The definition of unset makes this awkward: developers end up enclosing calls to unset in catch statements to catch and ignore errors thrown by unset. In retrospect, the definition of the unset command is one of the biggest mistakes I made in the design of Tcl.

在设计 Tcl 脚本语言时,我自己就犯了这个错误。Tcl 包含一个未设置的命令,可用于删除变量。我定义了 unset 以便在变量不存在时抛出错误。当时我认为,如果有人试图删除一个不存在的变量,那么它一定是一个 bug,所以 Tcl 应该报告它。然而,unset 最常见的用途之一是清理以前操作创建的临时状态。通常很难准确地预测创建了什么状态,特别是在操作中途中止的情况下。因此,最简单的方法是删除可能已经创建的所有变量。unset 的定义使得这种情况很尴尬:开发人员最终会在 catch 语句中封装对 unset 的调用,以捕获并忽略 unset 抛出的错误。回顾过去,unset 命令的定义是我在 Tcl 设计中犯下的最大错误之一。

It’s tempting to use exceptions to avoid dealing with difficult situations: rather than figuring out a clean way to handle it, just throw an exception and punt the problem to the caller. Some might argue that this approach empowers callers, since it allows each caller to handle the exception in a different way. However, if you are having trouble figuring out what to do for the particular situation, there’s a good chance that the caller won’t know what to do either. Generating an exception in a situation like this just passes the problem to someone else and adds to the system’s complexity.


The exceptions thrown by a class are part of its interface; classes with lots of exceptions have complex interfaces, and they are shallower than classes with fewer exceptions. An exception is a particularly complex element of an interface. It can propagate up through several stack levels before being caught, so it affects not just the method’s caller, but potentially also higher-level callers (and their interfaces).


Throwing exceptions is easy; handling them is hard. Thus, the complexity of exceptions comes from the exception handling code. The best way to reduce the complexity damage caused by exception handling is to reduce the number of places where exceptions have to be handled. The rest of this chapter will discuss four techniques for reducing the number of exception handlers.
