10.10 Taking it too far 走得太远

Defining away exceptions, or masking them inside a module, only makes sense if the exception information isn’t needed outside the module. This was true for the examples in this chapter, such the Tcl unset command and the Java substring method; in the rare situations where a caller cares about the special cases detected by the exceptions, there are other ways for it to get this information.

定义异常或将其屏蔽在模块内部,仅在模块外部不需要异常信息时才有意义。对于本章中的示例,例如 Tcl unset 命令和 Java 子字符串方法,都是如此。在极少数情况下,呼叫者关心异常检测到的特殊情况,还有其他方法可以获取此信息。

However, it is possible to take this idea too far. In a module for network communication, a student team masked all network exceptions: if a network error occurred, the module caught it, discarded it, and continued as if there were no problem. This meant that applications using the module had no way to find out if messages were lost or a peer server failed; without this information, it was impossible to build robust applications. In this case, it is essential for the module to expose the exceptions, even though they add complexity to the module’s interface.


With exceptions, as with many other areas in software design, you must determine what is important and what is not important. Things that are not important should be hidden, and the more of them the better. But when something is important, it must be exposed.
