7.3 Decorators 装饰器

The decorator design pattern (also known as a “wrapper”) is one that encourages API duplication across layers. A decorator object takes an existing object and extends its functionality; it provides an API similar or identical to the underlying object, and its methods invoke the methods of the underlying object. In the Java I/O example from Chapter 4, the BufferedInputStream class is a decorator: given an InputStream object, it provides the same API but introduces buffering. For example, when its read method is invoked to read a single character, it invokes read on the underlying InputStream to read a much larger block, and saves the extra characters to satisfy future read calls. Another example occurs in windowing systems: a Window class implements a simple form of window that is not scrollable, and a ScrollableWindow class decorates the Window class by adding horizontal and vertical scrollbars.

装饰器设计模式(也称为“包装器”)是一种鼓励跨层复制 API 的模式。装饰对象接受现有对象并扩展其功能;它提供一个与底层对象相似或相同的 API,它的方法调用底层对象的方法。在第 4 章的 Java I/O 示例中,BufferedInputStream 类是一个装饰器:给定一个 InputStream 对象,它提供了相同的 API,但是引入了缓冲。例如,当它的 read 方法被调用来读取单个字符时,它会调用底层 InputStream 上的 read 来读取更大的块,并保存额外的字符来满足未来的 read 调用。另一个例子出现在窗口系统中:Window 类实现了一个不能滚动的窗口的简单形式,而 ScrollableWindow 类通过添加水平和垂直滚动条来装饰窗口类。

The motivation for decorators is to separate special-purpose extensions of a class from a more generic core. However, decorator classes tend to be shallow: they introduce a large amount of boilerplate for a small amount of new functionality. Decorator classes often contain many pass-through methods. It’s easy to overuse the decorator pattern, creating a new class for every small new feature. This results in an explosion of shallow classes, such as the Java I/O example.

装饰器的动机是将类的专用扩展与更通用的核心分开。但是,装饰器类往往很浅:它们引入了大量的样板,以实现少量的新功能。装饰器类通常包含许多直通方法。过度使用装饰器模式很容易,为每个小的新功能创建一个新类。这导致诸如 Java I/O 示例之类的浅层类激增。

Before creating a decorator class, consider alternatives such as the following:


  • Could you add the new functionality directly to the underlying class, rather than creating a decorator class? This makes sense if the new functionality is relatively general-purpose, or if it is logically related to the underlying class, or if most uses of the underlying class will also use the new functionality. For example, virtually everyone who creates a Java InputStream will also create a BufferedInputStream, and buffering is a natural part of I/O, so these classes should have been combined.
  • If the new functionality is specialized for a particular use case, would it make sense to merge it with the use case, rather than creating a separate class?
  • Could you merge the new functionality with an existing decorator, rather than creating a new decorator? This would result in a single deeper decorator class rather than multiple shallow ones.
  • Finally, ask yourself whether the new functionality really needs to wrap the existing functionality: could you implement it as a stand-alone class that is independent of the base class? In the windowing example, the scrollbars could probably be implemented separately from the main window, without wrapping all of its existing functionality.

  • 您能否将新功能直接添加到基础类,而不是创建装饰器类?如果新功能是相对通用的,或者在逻辑上与基础类相关,或者如果基础类的大多数使用也将使用新功能,则这是有意义的。例如,几乎每个创建 Java InputStream 的人都会创建一个 BufferedInputStream,并且缓冲是 I/O 的自然组成部分,因此应该合并这些类。
  • 如果新功能专用于特定用例,将其与用例合并而不是创建单独的类是否有意义?
  • 您可以将新功能与现有的装饰器合并,而不是创建新的装饰器吗?这将导致一个更深的装饰器类,而不是多个浅的装饰器类。
  • 最后,问问自己新功能是否真的需要包装现有功能:是否可以将其实现为独立于基类的独立类?在窗口示例中,滚动条可能与主窗口分开实现,而无需包装其所有现有功能。

Sometimes decorators make sense, but there is usually a better alternative.
