5.6 Example: HTTP parameter handling 示例:HTTP 参数处理

After an HTTP request has been received by a server, the server needs to access some of the information from the request. The code that handles the request in Figure 5.1 might need to know the value of the photo_id parameter. Parameters can be specified in the first line of the request (photo_id in Figure 5.1) or, sometimes, in the body (comment and priority in Figure 5.1). Each parameter has a name and a value. The values of parameters use a special encoding called URL encoding; for example, in the value for comment in Figure 5.1, “+” is used to represent a space character, and “%21” is used instead of “!”. In order to process a request, the server will need the values for some of the parameters, and it will want them in unencoded form.

服务器收到 HTTP 请求后,服务器需要访问该请求中的某些信息。图 5.1 中处理请求的代码可能需要知道 photo_id 参数的值。参数可以在请求的第一行中指定(图 5.1 中的 photo_id),有时也可以在正文中指定(图 5.1 中的注释和优先级)。每个参数都有一个名称和一个值。参数的值使用一种称为 URL 编码的特殊编码。例如,在图 5.1 中的注释值中,“ +”代表空格字符,“%21”代替“!”。为了处理请求,服务器将需要某些参数的值,并且希望它们采用未编码的形式。

Most of the student projects made two good choices with respect to parameter handling. First, they recognized that server applications don’t care whether a parameter is specified in the header line or the body of the request, so they hid this distinction from callers and merged the parameters from both locations together. Second, they hid knowledge of URL encoding: the HTTP parser decodes parameter values before returning them to the Web server, so that the value of the comment parameter in Figure 5.1 will be returned as “What a cute baby!”, not “What+a+cute+baby%21”). In both of these cases, information hiding resulted in simpler APIs for the code using the HTTP module.

关于参数处理,大多数学生项目都做出了两个不错的选择。首先,他们认识到服务器应用程序不在乎是否在标题行或请求的正文中指定了参数,因此他们对调用者隐藏了这种区别,并将两个位置的参数合并在一起。其次,他们隐藏了 URL 编码的知识:HTTP 解析器在将参数值返回到 Web 服务器之前先对其进行解码,以便图 5.1 中的 comment 参数的值将返回 “What a cute baby!”,而不是 “What+a+cute+baby%21”)。在这两种情况下,信息隐藏都使使用 HTTP 模块的代码的 API 更加简单。

However, most of the students used an interface for returning parameters that was too shallow, and this resulted in lost opportunities for information hiding. Most projects used an object of type HTTPRequest to hold the parsed HTTP request, and the HTTPRequest class had a single method like the following one to return parameters:

但是,大多数学生使用的界面返回的参数太浅,这导致丢失信息隐藏的机会。大多数项目使用 HTTPRequest 类型的对象来保存已解析的 HTTP 请求,并且 HTTPRequest 类具有一种类似于以下方法的单个方法来返回参数:

  1. public Map<String, String> getParams() {
  2. return this.params;
  3. }

Rather than returning a single parameter, the method returns a reference to the Map used internally to store all of the parameters. This method is shallow, and it exposes the internal representation used by the HTTPRequest class to store parameters. Any change to that representation will result in a change to the interface, which will require modifications to all callers. When implementations are modified, the changes often involve changes in the representation of key data structures (to improve performance, for example). Thus, it’s important to avoid exposing internal data structures as much as possible. This approach also makes more work for callers: a caller must first invoke getParams, then it must call another method to retrieve a specific parameter from the Map. Finally, callers must realize that they should not modify the Map returned by getParams, since that will affect the internal state of the HTTPRequest.

该方法不是返回单个参数,而是返回内部用于存储所有参数的映射的引用。这个方法是浅层的,它公开了 HTTPRequest 类用来存储参数的内部表示。对该表示的任何更改都将导致接口的更改,这将需要对所有调用者进行修改。在修改实现时,更改通常涉及关键数据结构表示的更改(例如,为了提高性能)。因此,尽量避免暴露内部数据结构是很重要的。这种方法还为调用者提供了更多的工作:调用者必须首先调用 getParams,然后必须调用另一个方法来从映射中检索特定的参数。最后,调用者必须意识到他们不应该修改 getParams 返回的映射,因为这会影响 HTTPRequest 的内部状态。

Here is a better interface for retrieving parameter values:


  1. public String getParameter(String name) { ... }
  2. public int getIntParameter(String name) { ... }

getParameter returns a parameter value as a string. It provides a slightly deeper interface than getParams above; more importantly, it hides the internal representation of parameters. getIntParameter converts the value of a parameter from its string form in the HTTP request to an integer (e.g., the photo_id parameter in Figure 5.1). This saves the caller from having to request string-to-integer conversion separately, and hides that mechanism from the caller. Additional methods for other data types, such as getDoubleParameter, could be defined if needed. (All of these methods will throw exceptions if the desired parameter doesn’t exist, or if it can’t be converted to the requested type; the exception declarations have been omitted in the code above).

getParameter 以字符串形式返回参数值。它提供了一个比上面的 getParams 更深的接口;更重要的是,它隐藏了参数的内部表示。getIntParameter 将参数的值从 HTTP 请求中的字符串形式转换为整数(例如,图 5.1 中的 photo_id 参数)。这使调用者不必单独请求字符串到整数的转换,并且对调用者隐藏了该机制。如果需要,可以定义其他数据类型的其他方法,例如 getDoubleParameter。(如果所需的参数不存在,或者无法将其转换为所请求的类型,则所有这些方法都将引发异常;上面的代码中省略了异常声明)。