15.3 Comments are a design tool 注释是一种设计工具

The second, and most important, benefit of writing the comments at the beginning is that it improves the system design. Comments provide the only way to fully capture abstractions, and good abstractions are fundamental to good system design. If you write comments describing the abstractions at the beginning, you can review and tune them before writing implementation code. To write a good comment, you must identify the essence of a variable or piece of code: what are the most important aspects of this thing? It’s important to do this early in the design process; otherwise you are just hacking code.


Comments serve as a canary in the coal mine of complexity. If a method or variable requires a long comment, it is a red flag that you don’t have a good abstraction. Remember from Chapter 4 that classes should be deep: the best classes have very simple interfaces yet implement powerful functions. The best way to judge the complexity of an interface is from the comments that describe it. If the interface comment for a method provides all the information needed to use the method and is also short and simple, that indicates that the method has a simple interface. Conversely, if there’s no way to describe a method completely without a long and complicated comment, then the method has a complex interface. You can compare a method’s interface comment with the implementation to get a sense of how deep the method is: if the interface comment must describe all the major features of the implementation, then the method is shallow. The same idea applies to variables: if it takes a long comment to fully describe a variable, it’s a red flag that suggests you may not have chosen the right variable decomposition. Overall, the act of writing comments allows you to evaluate your design decisions early, so you can discover and fix problems.

注释是复杂煤矿中的金丝雀。如果方法或变量需要较长的注释,则它是一个危险信号,表明您没有很好的抽象。请记住,在第 4 章中,类应该很深:最好的类具有非常简单的接口,但可以实现强大的功能。判断接口复杂性的最佳方法是从描述接口的注释中进行。如果某个方法的接口注释提供了使用该方法所需的所有信息,并且又简短又简单,则表明该方法具有简单的接口。相反,如果没有冗长而复杂的注释无法完全描述一个方法,则该方法具有复杂的接口。您可以将方法的接口注释与实现进行比较,以了解该方法的深度:如果接口注释必须描述实现的所有主要功能,则该方法很浅。同样的想法也适用于变量:如果要花很长的时间来完整描述一个变量,那是一个危险信号,表明您可能没有选择正确的变量分解。总体而言,编写注释的行为使您可以及早评估设计决策,以便发现并解决问题。

img Red Flag: Hard to Describe img

The comment that describes a method or variable should be simple and yet complete. If you find it difficult to write such a comment, that’s an indicator that there may be a problem with the design of the thing you are describing.


Of course, comments are only a good indicator of complexity if they are complete and clear. If you write a method interface comment that doesn’t provide all the information needed to invoke the method, or one that is so cryptic that it’s hard to understand, then that comment doesn’t provide a good measure of the method’s depth.
